The PSOE, after the Venice Commission’s endorsement of the arguments of the amnesty law: “It shows that far from breaking up Spain, what it does is unite it” | Spain

The PSOE has asked the PP to have “a little more shame” and abandon “the lies and permanent hyperbole”, following learning last night that the draft of the Venice Commission report on the arguments of the amnesty law supports the possibility of a measure of this type considering that “national unity and social and political reconciliation are legitimate objectives” of these grace measures, which occur in most countries. The socialist spokesperson in Congress, Patxi López, believes that from now on Alberto Núñez Feijóo’s party “should keep quiet a little more” and not talk regarding amnesty, the text of which should be ready on March 7 in order to be debated and voted on. once more in the plenary session of the lower house. “It has been shown once once more that far from breaking up Spain, what it does is unite it,” he stated. Junts, for its part, believes that the report of this legal body of the Council of Europe confirms that they were right when they voted once morest its approval in Congress for not including the crimes of terrorism or high treason. The PP, for its part, remained silent this Saturday morning regarding the report, despite the fact that it was prepared at the express request of the popular people, who hoped to see their rejection of the amnesty endorsed in their European offensive once morest pardoning the defendants of the process During an event in Bilbao, Feijóo did not mention the report nor did he utter the word amnesty, already focusing almost exclusively on the call Koldo case.

The text of the Venice Commission has been especially welcomed by the socialists, following the setbacks suffered during the negotiation of this grace measure, initially agreed with the independence movement for the investiture of Pedro Sánchez. During a press conference in Rome, where European socialism meets this Saturday in a congress to kick off the campaign for the European elections next June, López directly addressed the PP to stop the offensive. regarding amnesty.

“The Popular Party, in this case, should keep quiet a little more and be a little more ashamed,” he said, before adding that the report, which must still be reviewed by the plenary session of the Council of Europe on March 15 , states that the amnesty law “is perfect for seeking the objective of reconciliation” and that the procedure for its processing “falls within the criteria that the Venice Commission itself has for how this type of laws should be made (… .) It does not fall within the separation of powers at all. That is to say, it is a report that once once more dismantles another of the lies, another of the hyperboles with which the PP has handled this entire issue.” For this reason, he has asked the PP to “abandon the lies, the permanent hyperbole and dedicate itself to real politics.”

Along these lines, the first secretary of the PSC, Salvador Illa, asked this Saturday the congressional groups to rise to the occasion and support the amnesty law. At the PSC pre-congress event held in Manresa, he demanded that “everyone rise to the occasion these days and these coming weeks to continue turning the page” with a law that, in his opinion, aims at reconciliation and political normalization. , social and institutional of Catalonia. “We always listen to the Venice Commission,” added Illa.

Junts, in a statement released this morning, considers that the commission’s draft is “of enormous importance” and includes one of the “demands” raised by the group, which was the only one that sent a letter to the body so that it might be taken into account. that “the limits of international law in reference to serious violations of human rights are not necessarily the same as serious crimes in domestic law,” reports Efe. By accepting this argument, Junts points out, the Venice Commission distances itself from the criteria of the Supreme Court and the judge of the National Court Manuel García Castellón, in the cases opened for a crime of terrorism in the Tsunami Democràtic protests, for which will investigate Puigdemont. “At Junts we have received a lot of criticism for not voting in favor of the current wording of the Amnesty Law,” recalls the group, which believes that now the Venice Commission has confirmed that it was “right”, so it will continue “working so that “The amnesty law is comprehensive and immediately applicable.”

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The leader of ERC, Oriol Junqueras, for his part, welcomed the report: “The position of the Venice Commission coincides point by point with everything that we have defended for so long.” The Republican leader has insisted on the need to approve the amnesty law, given the latest “unfounded” accusations of terrorism. “It cannot be tolerated anywhere, but it is evident that many other things that might not be tolerated anywhere have been brought forward,” added Junqueras, alluding to the decision of the Supreme Court to open a criminal case for terrorism once morest the fugitive Puigdemont (Junts ) and the ERC deputy in the Parliament Ruben Wagensberg.

The PP, for its part, has remained silent this morning regarding the ruling, despite the fact that it was its promoter from the Senate, where Feijóo’s party has a comfortable absolute majority. The popular ones had focused their expectations once morest amnesty at the European level on this request. But this Saturday, Feijóo did not refer to her at any time during the more than half an hour that his intervention lasted at a party event in Bilbao, where he was focused on the call Koldo caseof alleged corruption in the purchase of masks in the 2020 pandemic. Feijóo has asked Sánchez to “abandon the flight forward” and to leave the “bunker” to explain what happened “in his Government, in his party and in his house” around the so-called Koldo case and stop “covering him up in his party, La Moncloa and in his house.”

At the moment, the only reaction in this regard is that of last night from the deputy spokesperson of the Popular Group in Congress, Cayetana Álvarez de Toledo, who assured Europa Press that the draft of the report prepared by the Venice Commission “expresses deep and serious reservations.” ” to the amnesty law. “As I told Bolaños in the Plenary: lose all hope, you will be able to approve it, but you will not be able to apply it,” she warned.

Among its conclusions, the advisory body states: “Amnesties must pursue a legitimate objective in the interest of the community; the more radical the amnesties, the more legitimate the objective should be. National unity and social and political reconciliation are legitimate objectives of amnesties. In the opinion of the Commission [de Venecia], proportionality requires that, in each given case, the proposed amnesty is an appropriate means to ultimately achieve unity and reconciliation.” Reconciliation in Catalonia has been one of the main justifications for the bill promoted by the PSOE in the Cortes.



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