The Provincial Council invests more than 510,000 euros to improve the JA-9113 access road to Benatae

The Provincial Council invests more than 510,000 euros to improve the JA-9113 access road to Benatae

José Luis Agea has visited, together with the mayor of this municipality, the works that consist of reinforcing the road surface and improving the drainage of this road in the Sierra de Segura region.

The Deputy for Municipal Infrastructures, José Luis Agea, recently visited, together with the Mayor of Benatae, Pascual Bermúdez, the improvement works that the Provincial Council is carrying out on the JA-9113, the access road to this town in the Sierra Segura region. “We at the Provincial Council continue our efforts to continue improving and conditioning the road infrastructures that we own, and in this case, in the improvement of a road of almost 5 kilometres in length in which the Provincial Administration has invested more than 510,000 euros in order to improve road safety in the area,” Agea highlights about this intervention.

The works being carried out on this road include strengthening the road surface, improving surface drainage, adapting the existing accesses in the area, renewing both vertical and horizontal signage, replacing a new metal safety barrier on both sections of the road and placing kilometre markers and road flares on the edges of the road. “This work will improve the communications of this municipality, a task that will also provide our small towns with more and better opportunities,” adds the head of the Municipal Infrastructure area of ​​the provincial administration of Jaén.

For his part, the Mayor of Benatae appreciates the role played by the Provincial Council with the small towns in the province, “since its support allows us to undertake infrastructures, works and reforms that a town alone could not undertake,” highlights Bermúdez, who also adds that with this action on the JA-9113, “the Provincial Administration comes to complement its commitment to Benatae, a support that adds to the contributions made by the Provincial Council in training, in equality policies, with the summer school, or the creation of the new cultural and social centre”.



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