The Province raffled lots of the Lo Tengo program: how to know if I was drawn

This Monday the draw of 134 was carried out land corresponding to the I have it program. They are located in the towns of Balnearia, Toledo, Embalse, Las Vertientes, Toro Pujio, Pincen, La Cumbre, Las Acequias and Miramar.

The people who were drawn will be notified and contacted in the next few days, in order to move forward with the last steps of the process. It is worth remembering that the draw was carried out by the Cordoba Lottery.

In this regard, the Minister of Habitat and Family Economy, Laura Jure, explained that the land already has infrastructure works and is ready to start building.

The official stated: “This is the first big step to make the dream of owning your own home a reality. We know what it means to be able to get to that, all the effort and sacrifice of the families for a long time. For this reason, from the Province we seek to generate the conditions so that they can fulfill that objective”.

The Lo Tengo program contemplates the onerous transfer of lots for neighbors residing in the province of Córdoba, so that they can build their first home. These houses will be non-transferable, totally or partially, until their credit cancellation.

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