The Prosecutor’s Office warned the Prison Service not to commit violations when establishing halfway houses

At that time, Rima Stabrauskienė, the elder of Kumpių-Šakių villages’ eldership, announced on Thursday evening that eight convicts have already been accommodated in the halfway house on Stumbro street, Šakių village, Domeikava ward.

“Although LKT received the resolution of the Kaunas District Prosecutor’s Office, which clearly states not to violate legal acts, but as we can see, the opposite is being done on purpose,” R. Stabrauskienė’s report reads.

The documents of the Kaunas District Prosecutor’s Office attached to it state that, according to the complaint of the elderly woman, Vesta Muckienė, the prosecutor of the Department of Public Interest Protection, decided to warn the Lithuanian Prison Service not to violate legal acts in a decision adopted on Thursday.

“In this case, there is reason to believe that subsequent decisions of the Lithuanian Prison Service may create negative legal consequences, discussed above in this resolution, therefore it is appropriate to warn once morest violations of rights by a resolution,” reads the prosecutor’s resolution. This decision is subject to appeal.

The Lithuanian Prison Service has been warned not to violate legal acts – without changing the way of use of the land plot in Kaunas district, Domeikava ward, Šakių village, Stumbro street 3, from the territory of the object of commercial purpose to the territory of public purpose, not to start open-type places of execution of punishment – half-way houses and Probation Services activities, strictly comply with the requirements of legal acts and take all possible measures to ensure public interests.

“Rational use of the land of the Republic of Lithuania, territorial planning and compliance with legal acts should be considered a public interest, as it is important for society as a whole”, reads the decision of prosecutor V. Muckienė.

According to her, following examining R. Stabrauskienė’s complaint and analyzing the available data, it can be stated that the Lithuanian Prison Service, planning to start operations in December 2023 or January 2024 without changing the way of land use – to open a halfway house in the building – “may make a decision in the future in violation of some which imperative requirements of legal acts”.

According to the law, special purpose buildings (barracks buildings, prisons, correctional colonies, detention centers, police, fire and rescue services buildings, shelters, etc.) can be built on a plot of land, the purpose of which is another, the way of use is public purpose territories.

“The buyer, who wants to establish a half-way house or Probation Service in the building, must apply to the Kaunas District Municipality with a request “Regarding changing or determining the purpose and method of land use of the land plot”. Until the land plot Kaunas district is changed. week, Domeikava sen., Šakiai village, Stumbro st. 3, the method of use from the territory of objects of commercial purpose to the territory of public purpose, the use of the building as an open-type place of execution of punishment – Pusiaukele’s house (Special purpose building) – can be considered illegal, that is, in violation of the above-mentioned legal acts”, reads the decision of prosecutor V. Muckienė.

R. Stabrauskienė, the elder of Kumpių-Šakių Villages Eldership, asked the prosecutors to apply to the court, defending the public interest, to request the annulment of the building’s purchase and sale agreement, to apply temporary protective measures – to prevent the buyer (the Republic of Lithuania, represented by the Lithuanian Prison Service) from transferring the remaining amount of almost 370,000 to the seller. . amount of euros.

The prosecutor says that the final decision will be made following analyzing all the data.

The Lithuanian Prison Service announced on Thursday that a new description of the procedure for transfer to the half-way house was approved, determining that the number of residents in the halfway house of the Kaunas Prison in the first half of the year will not exceed 10, and all convicts will be collared during this period.

At the same time, it is committed to present half-way house activities to the Domeikava community following half a year.

“Amended legal acts also provide that persons convicted of violent and sexual crimes, as well as those who have committed crimes once morest a minor, cannot be transferred to the halfway house of the Kaunas prison. Monitoring of the environment and exits of the half-way house with video cameras has also been strengthened,” the service points out.

She also notes that it was already decided to abandon the plans to place a unit of the Lithuanian Probation Service near the half-way house, where parolees would visit. It was proposed to use the vacated premises for community purposes, to let non-governmental organizations into them.

“After making the above-mentioned decisions, the first convicts will settle in the halfway house of the Kaunas prison already this week”, according to the statement of the service.

The prison service’s plans to open a half-way house in Domeikava, near Kaunas, met with opposition from residents, Kaunas city and district municipalities. The people behind the petition call the halfway house an open prison. According to them, this facility, where up to 25 convicts would live permanently, would operate near apartment buildings, schools, and kindergartens.

Responding to concerns, Justice Minister Ewelina Dobrowolska, who met with the community at the end of November, presented new plans to reduce the scope of the project, taking into account the arguments of residents.

#Prosecutors #Office #warned #Prison #Service #commit #violations #establishing #halfway #houses
2024-07-17 23:16:56



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