2024-01-21 09:41:15
Dr Catherine Metzler-Guillemain directs the Center for the Study of Egg and Sperm Conservation (Cecos) at La Conception hospital in Marseille. She also chairs the French federation of Cecos.
Infertility is a subject that we talk regarding more and more. But you, doctors, when did it arise?
Today, one in four couples who wish to have a child will encounter difficulties and seek advice to do so. 20 or 30 years ago, it was one in six: the problem is therefore not new, even if it is increasing. What is, is that it is no longer taboo. In the past, we didn’t talk regarding it.
Why do so many couples struggle to conceive a baby? First of all, it really needs to be repeated: the age of first pregnancy has continued to be pushed back. At 30, our grown-ups
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