The pro-Russian Télam line, another source of tension in the agency

For interrupting Russia’s main television news program with a banner once morest invasion Of Ukraine, Marina Ovsyannikova might be penalized up to fifteen years of prison, within the framework of the new law on “false information” that governs in his country.

If, instead, he worked in the official news agency Télam his freedom would not be in danger, but probably would be immediately moved to sections of insignificance journalistic (such as recording interviews or dealing with anniversaries) or, directly, “invited” to resign.

It’s what happened to Paul Plan already Hector Heredia, among others, as a corollary of persecution and harassment received only for the sin of having been part of the previous management.

“In January 2020 I removed the keys to publish news in the cable company,” Pla reported in a letter to Argentine Journalism Forum (Fopea). And he added that journalists who worked in section headquarters, as of January 2020 “we were not allowed to have contact with journalistic materials.”

Pla was sent to the clipping area to do a follow-up of the Télam brand for internal use only. But it was not enough: soon received a telegram that said “we will dispense with the services provided”, signed by Télam’s legal affairs manager, Juan Ignacio Marqueque. “I am going to fight for reincorporation,” warns the displaced journalist.

In this regard, Fopea issued a statement in which it states that “rejects the dismissal without cause of Pablo Pla at the Télam agency, following a series of intimidating and highly ideological internal provisions.” He underlines that “this case shows, once once more, that a sector of the Government confuses the role that public communication companies must play before society.”

Now a new issue of friction has been added: in the current war with Ukraine, Télam leans towards a pro-Russian line, as pointed out Luciana Vazquez in your column “The scandal of supporting Putin is all Kirchnerist.”

“After the Russian complaint and pressure from China, the US confessed that it organized a chain of prohibited biotech laboratories, although it continues to deny its criminal responsibility,” it states in one of its columns. Eduardo J. Vior, published on the Télam website. “In the absence of the UN, RRussia violated Ukraine’s sovereignty to prevent the ‘preventive war’ that the neoconservatives were planning and thus be able to re-found the world order”, affirms the same international analyst in another note.

An overwhelming majority of cables from the state news company not only take Russia as their main source of information, but also is the preferred word to start dispatches on the war. “Russia accused Ukraine of torturing captured Russian soldiers,” says one. “Russia announced humanitarian corridors to evacuate civilians, but Ukraine rejected them,” says another. One more?: “Russia will punish ‘false information’ regarding the conflict in Ukraine with prison.” Russia, Russia and more Russia.

Chairs Telam Bernarda Llorente, his vice is Antonia Portaneri and the journalistic manager is Vivian Marino. As is consistent with the political correctness of the time, there are several more women in leadership positions, although the important decisions are agreed upon by the agency’s leaders with the delegates of the Press Union of Buenos Aires (Sipreba), while the Press Workers Union (Sitrapren) appears more relegated.

“There are political commissars -comments an internal source who asks to remain anonymous- that they veto the task and functions of the former Lombardi management who now do administrative tasks. And it ends with the fact that “the plant of Info K, pro Russian and pro Venezuela and sometimes anti Albert Fernandez, They are in their prime.”

On the followingnoon of this Tuesday, Télam opened its international section with this title: “NATO fears a Russian attack with chemical weapons, but does not give details.”

For months before the Russian invasion of the former Soviet republic, Télam was already headlining “Putin and the ‘denazification’ of Ukraine”. What preparing the ground.



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