The private health insurers with the most insured people in the emergency tariff

October 7, 2024 – According to the analysis “PKV in 2023” by the Magazin für Versicherungswesen, DKV has the most insured people in the emergency tariff. In relation to the number of fully insured people, DEVK has the lowest rate and Mecklenburgische has the highest rate. Since eight actors did not report any figures, the picture in the ZfV analysis is “incomplete”.


At the end of 2023, the number of insured people was Emergency tariff (§ 153 VAG) according to the Association of Private Health Insurance eV (PKV ​​Association) around 87,100. This corresponds to an increase of around 3,000 people or 3.6 percent compared to the previous year (VersicherungsJournal June 19, 2024).

In 2022, an increase of 0.7 percent was observed (October 12, 2023), after the number had previously fallen by over five percent to a new low since the introduction of the social tariff (May 27, 2013, June 14, 2013) (March 3, 2022) . At its peak there were 114,400. The proportion of the slightly more than 8.7 million fully insured people remains at just over one percent.

Nine number refusers

Dr. Marc Surminski, editor-in-chief of Insurance Journal (ZfV), stated in issue 19/2021 of the magazine that many critics in the industry saw the social tariffs as the Achilles heel of private health insurance. “Here, according to the allegations, the basic problem of private providers manifesting themselves in being able to offer affordable insurance coverage for all their customers,” said Surminski (October 18, 2021).

In the analysis “PKV in 2021” in issue 19/2022, he criticized that eight actors had not provided any figures for the study. These include some insurers who have had particularly strong new business in recent years (November 8, 2022). In the analysis “PKV in 2023” in issue 10/2024 there were again eight data refusers. These include

Incomplete picture

In view of the “number refusers”, only an incomplete picture emerges. The 23 players active in the full insurance business who have disclosed their numbers add up to only around 48,910 people insured under the emergency tariff.

That’s only 56 percent of the total number of people insured under this social tariff. The remaining approximately 38,200 people are distributed in an unknown distribution among the eight aforementioned providers who have not provided any figures.

DKV has the most people insured under emergency tariffs

However, according to the ZfV analysis, those affected are distributed very unevenly across the individual private health insurance companies. Most of the emergency tariff insured people have this again (October 22, 2020, October 29, 2019, March 13, 2019). DKV Deutsche Krankenversicherung AG with currently almost 9,500 people.

This is followed by around 6,850 insured people Signal Iduna Krankenversicherung aG before the Allianz Private Health Insurance AG with about 6,350. This group is almost 6,000 strong Debeka Health Insurance Association aGthere are around 5,250 at the Generali Germany Health Insurance AG.

There are around 2,300 people affected Barmenia Health Insurance AGto about 2,200 the Hallesche Krankenversicherung aG and around 2,000 Huk-Coburg Health Insurance AG.

PKV insured persons in the emergency tariff - ranking list (Image: Wichert)

The number of people insured under the emergency tariff is otherwise only four-digit Universa Krankenversicherung aGthe Inter Health Insurance AG and the Süddeutsche Krankenversicherung aG (SDK).

Positive development in only five companies

Only a handful of providers who disclosed their figures to the magazine reported a decline in those insured under emergency tariffs. This was strongest at Halleschen (minus 73 people).

The reduction was approximately half as strong Munich Health Insurance Association aG (minus 38 to 877). At Inter the minus was 21 (to 1,089), at the Provincial Health Insurance Hannover AG two out of 186 insured people and at the DEVK Krankenversicherungs-AG one for two people.

PKV insured people in the emergency tariff - change (Image: Wichert)

The largest increase is reported at 428 emergency tariff insured people for DKV. At Allianz the increase was 255 people and at Debeka 202 people. Barmenia, Signal Iduna and SDK also recorded increases of between 160 and 140 people.

DEVK has the lowest rate, Mecklenburgische the highest rate

If you put the number of people insured under this tariff in relation to the number of fully insured people, a completely different order emerges. Here DEVK is in the lead with not even 1.4 people insured under the emergency tariff per 1,000 fully insured people (two affected out of 1,474 fully insured people).

Comparatively low odds of less than three are also calculated for Debeka (5,982 to 2.52 million) and for the Free medical and medical insurance for members of the professional fire brigade and police VVaG (FAMK; 74 to 25,154).

PKV insured people in the emergency tariff - quotas (Image: Wichert)

The highest value represents the Mecklenburgische Krankenversicherungs-AG There are over 40 people insured under the emergency tariff for every 1,000 people who are fully insured (114 to 2,828). The rate also had a comparatively high rate of almost 30 Württembergische Krankenversicherung AG (662 to 22,512). A value of almost 26 is calculated for this Nuremberg Health Insurance AG (999 to 39,199).



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