Posted on Thursday, September 1, 2022 at 11:50 a.m.
Due to rising energy prices, fresh and frozen foods might become 30-50% more expensive in the coming months, Retaildetail says.
Indeed, the refrigeration and freezing companies will be obliged to pass on the increase in their energy costs to the supermarkets. They will in turn have to pass these costs on to the consumer, at least in part.
With energy prices only rising, some refrigeration companies can no longer cope: “There is a risk that our members simply cannot afford it anymore, that they have to close their fridges and ask the customer to come and take their products away,” Koen van Goidshoven, from the Belgian Professional Union for the Cold Industry (IPBIF) told De Standaard.
“Frozen food prices will have to increase by 30-50% if we want to make ends meet,” said Arie van Daalen, managing director of Maasoever Cold Store.
Fresh and frozen foods are not the only ones concerned. Canned fruits and vegetables also require a significant energy cost. In addition, the price of glass and canned goods has also increased: “The consumer will have to pay more. Otherwise, the food supply will be in danger,” said Richard Corsmid, director of Coroos Canning.