“The prices are very, very low” The boss of Rockstar seriously thinks that his video games are not expensive. Don’t expect a discount on GTA 6!

2023-11-13 16:05:02

Game news “The prices are very, very low” The boss of Rockstar seriously thinks that his video games are not expensive. Don’t expect a discount on GTA 6!

Published on 11/13/2023 at 5:05 p.m.

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Strauss Zelnick still has a few statements to make about the price of games that should not only make people happy.

A few days ago, Strauss Zelnick, CEO of Take-Two, (again) gave his opinion about the price of video games on the current market, issuing statements likely to (again) make some players react. The manager first suggested that the value of video games, estimated by their production cost and their lifespan, was underestimated by consumersbefore proceeding with a calculation methodology likely to give you a slight migraine.

When it comes to our pricing for any entertainment property, the algorithm is essentially the expected usage value of the entertainment, that is, the hourly value multiplied by the expected number of hours, plus the terminal value perceived by the customer as owner, if the title is owned rather than rented or subscribed.

And to add that according to this standard our prices remain very, very low, because we offer many hours of commitment, the value of the commitment is very high“.So I think the sector as a whole offers excellent value for money for consumers.”, adds Zelnick, who is probably partly referring to the Grand Theft Auto license and the next upcoming episode, the first trailer of which is finally set for next December. Comments collected by the media Forbes.

A few months earlier, it was the president of Capcom who considered that the price of video games was too low, providing quite similar arguments. In the columns of the Japanese daily Nikkei, the man justified that development costs were approximately “100 times higher” than at the time of the NES and that the rise in prices was in fact a rather “healthy” development for the industry. It is true that the more time passes, the more time and money a production consumes. Some claim in particular that GTA 6 would cost no less than 2 billion dollars.

“So I think we offer exceptional value to consumers”

Strauss Zelnick continued his speech, stating that “This does not necessarily mean that the industry has, or wants, pricing power.”. The man believes that price increases are nevertheless rather rare.

There have been very few price increases in our sector. The price increase to $70, for example, for some front-line products was the first price increase in many years, after many generations. So I think we provide exceptional value to consumers.

A few months earlier, last May, Zelnick noted that “consumers seek to limit their spending by turning either to products that really interest them, blockbusters, or to value products, and sometimes to both“, following the rise in prices, optimistically confident that “We have a number of blockbusters and we have a wonderful catalog.”

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