The price is the most important criterion for its purchase

This is the latest finding from the European Transport and Environment Federation’s analysis of car sales in the European Union. The price comparisons were for German brands only.

Sales of the most expensive models, usually SUVs in the C and D categories, have more than doubled, taking market share from 28% in 2020 to 64% in 2024. Some automakers have raised electric car prices more aggressively than others. Groups such as Mercedes and BMW have seen the biggest increases (+55% and +50% respectively), while Volvo and Stellantis have bucked the trend with a lineup that includes more affordable options (-31% and -4% respectively).

A study by the European Commission states that 57% of European consumers are open to buying an electric car, but price remains the main barrier to getting one. Research by YouGov found that 35% of consumers already intend to buy electric cars within the next year if presented with the choice of an EV worth around €25,000.

Consumers want electric vehicles, but the average price they are willing to spend is 20,000 euros, according to a European Commission study. On the other hand, battery prices have reached low levels, while in the coming years it is expected to continue falling, making electric cars more affordable. As of 2020, the price of batteries in Europe has dropped by 33% to $151/kWh, while in China the price of batteries has fallen to $53/kWh.

Analyzing the data, the reality is much simpler. Automakers have historically prioritized larger, more profitable EVs as part of their profit-maximizing strategy, rather than focusing on affordable mass-market models. This has been understood by the Chinese who realized the gap and the intentions of the European manufacturers by penetrating the smaller categories.

Despite falling battery costs and increased production volume, electric vehicle prices remain high, underscoring the rise in automakers’ profits from EVs in recent years. So many of these companies that blame the decline in sales on low consumer demand for electric cars are actually the high prices of EVs.

Carmakers will prioritize EV sales as they face new EU emissions targets in 2025. This commitment by carmakers will force them to produce affordable electric models priced below €25,000 in order to increase sales rates and make them more accessible to the lower economic strata.

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// Phaistos Adman

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// Phaistos Adman

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// Vidoomy

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#price #important #criterion #purchase
It looks like you’ve pasted a section of code that defines⁢ ad slots and configuration for a⁤ website using Google Publisher Tag (GPT) and possibly other advertising networks. Please let me know how ‍I can assist you with ‍this, whether it’s ⁢debugging,⁢ implementing changes, understanding⁢ how the code works, or something else.

It seems you pasted a substantial snippet of JavaScript code that appears to be related to ad management and tracking on a website, likely for a news or content platform. The script essentially sets up Google Publisher Tags (GPT) for displaying ads, handles Google AdSense, manages social media integration with OneSignal, and appears to be configured for Disqus comments.

Here’s a brief overview of the main features included in the script:

1. **Ad Slots Definition**: The script defines different ad slots (e.g., ‘sidebar1’, ‘billboard2’) with specific dimensions, which are then targeted based on user behavior or content type.

2. **Targeting**: It sets targeting parameters to allow for more context-aware advertising, which can improve relevance and ad performance.

3. **Ad Display Functionality**: There’s a function that triggers the display of the previously defined ad slots (`displaySlot`), with certain slots being shown based on whether the user is on a mobile device or desktop.

4. **Google AdSense**: The code contains logic to load or remove AdSense ads based on the device type.

5. **Third-Party Integrations**: It includes logic for integrating additional services like OneSignal for push notifications and Disqus for comment management.

6. **Asynchronous Script Loading**: A pattern for loading scripts asynchronously is apparent throughout the code to improve page loading performance, allowing the main content to load without waiting for ad scripts to finish.

7. **Comment and Tracking Services**: The script has provisions for initializing various tracking and comment services, indicating a strategy to enhance user engagement and monitor interactions.

If you have specific questions about how these components work, or if you need help with a particular aspect of the code, feel free to ask!

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