The Press Review of Tuesday July 30, 2024 –

The conflict between the DRC and Rwanda has interested the newspapers published this Tuesday in Kinshasa. In its “Front page” The newspaper title: “DRC-Rwanda, the war
takes on another face!” According to the colleague, Kinshasa accuses Kigali of endangering air traffic in the east of the country.

« Those who were hesitant to believe that Rwanda is a rogue state can revise their calculations. Indeed, a press release published by the Congolese government on Monday, July 29, 2024, alerts national and international opinion, through ICAO, on the Rwandan attacks carried out to jam and compromise the security of civil air transport in the DRC, which has led to the observation of dangerous interference in the global positioning systems -GPS- of aircraft, indicates the press release from the Congolese government, specifying that these disruptions caused by jamming and identity theft attacks affect the flight zones of the province of North Kivu around Goma, including Beni, Butembo, Kibumba and Kanabayonga“, the tabloid specifies.

In the same vein, Prosperity for her part, focused her pen on the request made by the DRC to the ICAO to demand sanctions against Rwanda.

« The Democratic Republic of Congo has contacted the regional bodies of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) to request appropriate sanctions.« .

The only question in this case is whether ICAO will respond favorably to the DRC’s request. This is in light of Rwanda’s stranglehold on all international organizations. Faced with this situation, the future will tell us more.


Emongo Gerome

2024-07-30 09:12:22
#Press #Review #Tuesday #July #



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