The press review of Tuesday August 6, 2024 –

The Senate elections were of interest to newspapers published in Kinshasa on Tuesday. The daily Le Journal focused on the various candidates already registered.

« As planned in the timetable set up for the constitution of the definitive Bureau of the upper house of parliament, the day of Monday August 5 saw several personalities parade at the provisional bureau to submit their candidacy files.« , lit-on.

For the presidency of the Bureau, Dean Jonas Munkamba has submitted his candidacy and for the same position, Sama Lukonde has also applied. For the position of Rapporteur, Nefertiti Ngundianza has submitted her candidacy on behalf of AAAP.

Jean-Claude Baende, who is aiming to occupy the post of Deputy Rapporteur, has submitted his candidacy, as has Salomon Idi Kalonda, who has also submitted his candidacy for the same post, on the fringes of geopolitics.

Modeste Bahati, applied for the position of 2nd Vice President of the Senate Bureau, while he was President during the past term.

Prosperity has focused its front page on the candidacy of Jean-Michel Sama Lukonde. According to this daily, the former Prime Minister already has the blessing of the President of the Republic to run for the head of the upper house of parliament.

Jean-Michel Sama Lukonde, Senator by state, filed his candidacy for the position of President of the Permanent Bureau of the Upper House of Parliament on Monday, August 5, 2024. The Honorary Prime Minister, who already enjoys the confidence of the Head of State to run for the Senate perch, did not want to wait until the second day to formalize his legitimate ambitions for this position.

After submitting your application file
with the ad hoc Commission set up, Sama Lukonde had the right words to pay a vibrant tribute to President Félix Tshisekedi to whom he has continued to show his loyalty since he was at the head of the Government of the Republic. He also said
to place his candidacy as an independent under the banner of cohesion and unity within the Senate for the consolidation of support for the action of the Head of State Félix Tshisekedi.

Also addressed in this file, The Breakthrough has for its part revealed the name of a candidate who, according to it, also has the chance to be part of the definitive office of the Senate. It is Néfertiti Ngudianza.

The submission of candidacies to the Senate for the election of members of the final Bureau began yesterday. Among the candidacies registered for the first day of submission is that of Néfertiti Ngudianza, a long-awaited candidacy in this upper house of the Congolese Parliament for this legislature.

It is to become Rapporteur of this institution that Senator Ngudianza, a name which means “mother of the world ” filed his application.

« Public opinion thinks that this elected official will win this position because she is the favorite. She has the experience and not only that but also the expertise. The Congolese want to see her represent women in this definitive office.“, the newspaper specifies.

It should be noted that the elections that will lead to the installation of the definitive office of the Senate are set for August 10, 2024.


Emongo Gerome

2024-08-06 13:07:57
#press #review #Tuesday #August #



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