The presidential program of Aurelijas Veryga includes the cultivation of traditional values ​​and a foreign policy that protects the interests of Lithuania

According to the presidential candidate, Lithuania needs leaders who are open, have a strong position and are not afraid to defend the interests of their country and people, who respect the opinion of citizens. A. Veryga’s motto in these elections is to create, love, win. He promises to fulfill his duty honorably – to mobilize society and the political community and to work responsibly for the state and the Nation.

A. Veryga’s motto in these elections is to create, love, win.

“I am coming to the presidential election arena with the very clear support of members of society and politicians who defend traditional values, hoping to restore citizens’ trust in the State,” said A. Veryga.

Focus on traditional values

The candidate’s program primarily focuses on fundamental, traditional values. A. Veryga announces that he will consistently nurture and defend the family, nation, state, language, history, citizenship and democracy.

If elected, he will not support and himself will not make proposals to join international conventions that destroy the concept of the traditional family institution, he will not support the legalization of same-sex partnerships, he will be guided by the principles of traditional family and child welfare when deciding on laws passed by the Seimas, he will take care of preserving the identity of the Lithuanian nation, and strengthen the state Lithuanian language status and its meaning.

If the Nation will disappear – everything else has no meaning

“Solving demographic problems is a matter of state survival. We must stop talking about having to accept population decline and adapt. If the Nation disappears, everything else loses all meaning”, said the presidential candidate, who will try to overcome the demographic crisis not by immigration, but by encouraging the birth rate, tax benefits and a program for the return of emigrants to Lithuania.

A. Veryga emphasized that, together with the Seimas and the Government and all political forces, they will look for opportunities to significantly increase the child’s money, up to 5%. reduce personal income tax for parents with three children or abolish this tax for those raising more than three children, increase support for young families when purchasing housing.

Not to panic, but to prepare for the defense of the state

“Seeing the ever-increasing geopolitical situation, outbreaks of war, we must not panic, but prepare for the defense of the state and be ready to counter any threats. During the war in Ukraine, when terrorists attack Israel, we must become countries like Switzerland or Finland, whose citizens are constantly preparing for state threats and everyone knows what they should do,” the candidate’s program reads.

A. Veryga, as the commander-in-chief of the state armed forces, is determined to make every effort to strengthen the national defense, with essential attention being paid to the financial obligations of NATO countries, and the concept of universal defense preparedness has been realistically implemented so that every citizen of Lithuania is prepared for possible threats and motivated to counter them.

A. Veryga would support the model of development of professional and conscripted army, support the creation of a rotary air defense system, changing the air police into an air defense military unit, increasing the capabilities of the division and developing the capabilities of the defense industry, and would see Lithuania as a center for the development and production of modern drone and anti-drone and laser technologies center.

The presidential candidate today does not support the idea of ​​universal conscription, considering it a redundant measure, but would encourage the strengthening of patriotic education and citizenship of schoolchildren and the emergence of military training courses in universities and colleges, which would be recognized as an alternative to conscription. Such a program would strengthen not only the readiness for self-defense, but also the connection of young people with the army and shooters.

LVŽS/Aurelijs Veryga announced the election program and presented the core of the team

Foreign policy is for the interests of Lithuania

A. Veryga would focus the foreign policy of the state, first of all, on the defense of Lithuania’s interests, protect the supremacy of national law, and avoid international agreements that could reduce the independence and identity of EU states. Support for Ukraine in the war against Russia is unconditional. It is also necessary to restore pragmatic political and economic relations with China, develop strategic cooperation with neighbors Poland and Latvia.

Lithuania’s foreign policy must represent the interests of our country, gather and assemble coalitions, not divide.

“Lithuania’s foreign policy must represent the interests of our state, must gather and assemble coalitions, not divide. In the negotiations on the multi-year financial program, I will firmly take the position that Lithuania must receive solid EU funding for all priority areas: agriculture and rural development, cohesion and the closure of the Ignalina nuclear power plant”, the candidate emphasized in his keynote address, adding that Lithuania should not take on burdensome and unbearable burdens for the population obligations, such as the introduction of a universal real estate tax.

Vital infrastructure is in the hands of the state

A. Veryga drew attention to the need to keep critical infrastructure in the hands of the state, which would not fall apart as soon as there was a danger, and the areas intended to ensure the basic needs of the population would not serve solely for the pursuit of profit.

Therefore, the state should regain control of AB “Ignitis grupė” and other important companies by buying back shares from private investors. A. Veryga says that he will support the establishment of the State Commercial Bank in the country.

Strong regions mean a strong country

Considerable attention is paid in the program to regional policy, directing state investments to the regions and ensuring the availability of high-quality public services. Agriculture should become a strategic sector, because food security is the guarantor of state security. When negotiating EU support for Lithuanian agriculture and rural development, A. Veryga would make maximum efforts to ensure that Lithuanian farmers receive fair direct EU payments, which would allow them to compete with farmers from other EU countries on equal terms.

Save the network of health facilities

Another programmatic priority is population and public health. A necessary condition for this is to preserve the network of regional health institutions. A. Veryga would veto any initiative that would destroy this network. His plans include proposals to expand the system of drugs without premiums and to make decisions on the establishment of hospital pharmacies, on the real fight against the distribution of narcotic substances, by tightening the penalties for this, especially for the distribution of drugs to children. It is equally important to expand the network of addiction prevention, treatment and rehabilitation institutions.

Stop school closings

“I will fight to preserve the network of regional education and training institutions. I will propose a different, more appropriate and sustainable funding model for these important regional areas, which would stop school closures. I will encourage the introduction of a free full-day school model in educational institutions and pay great attention to the creation of a safe environment around educational institutions, I will develop the idea of ​​a cultural passport”, announces A. Veryga.

A more favorable tax system

The presidential candidate would propose a more favorable and simpler tax reform that would encourage paying taxes and target the shadow economy. He would support the decision to apply 9 percent. VAT on food products. Together with the Seimas and the Government, the creation of business and jobs in the regions will be encouraged by providing tax incentives in rural residential areas by investing at least 1 million. euros and creating more than 10 new jobs.

Underfunded law enforcement is a security risk

“One of the competences of the Head of State is the appointment of judges. I will try to eliminate the practice of double standards in the appointment of ministers, judges and other state officials, so that without waiting for the necessary “cooling off” period, politicians would not have the opportunity to occupy appointed positions in the highest non-political structures and institutions of the state. I will make proposals that would ensure adequate remuneration for judges, prosecutors, policemen and other law enforcement officials. “Insufficient funding of law enforcement weakens not only domestic but also national security,” the candidate emphasized.

According to A. Veryga, the listed solutions would allow everyone to build a state, love it and overcome all difficulties: “We really know how to do it and we can.”

The program of the candidate for the President of the Republic of Lithuania A. Veryga, prepared in cooperation with experts, may be expanded in the future after meetings and discussions with the people of Lithuania.

An open, sincere and strong leader

“Aurelius is an example of a true Lithuanian patriot. His knowledge and experience can and must be used to strengthen our country and increase people’s well-being. I am sure that A. Veryga would be one of the best presidents of the Republic of Lithuania throughout the history of independent Lithuania. His openness, attentiveness, warmth, and humanity would undoubtedly become his uniqueness as President,” said Ramūnas Karbauskis, chairman of the Union of Lithuanian Peasants and Greens, who participated in the presentation of the program. He reminded that Lithuania knows Aurelijs well as a reliable leader who does not leave his country and citizens in trouble.

“When masks were proposed to the public all over the world, they fell off politicians’ faces. Aurelius behaved competently, courageously, confidently, and most importantly humanely in a critical situation. He worked with scientists from Lithuania and all over the world. He followed all the news and offered Lithuania the paths taken by other countries. Here he revealed himself as a solid, reliable and pro-people politician.

Aurelius revealed himself as a solid, reliable and a politician on the side of the people.

There has been some criticism of Aurelius’ decisions from political opponents, but the new government after 2020. Seimas elections did not offer any better solutions. On the contrary, everyone was locked up at home for a long period of time, when most of the world was already living, following the recommendations of scientists to loosen the restrictions”, said R. Karbauskis, calling on the upcoming presidential elections to be looked at through a value prism and to choose the one who not only declares to represent the politics of traditional values, but has real political support to implement its program.

LVŽS/Aurelijs Veryga announced the election program and presented the core of the team

LVŽS/Aurelijs Veryga announced the election program and presented the core of the team

“During a difficult period for our country, we got to know Aurelijs Verygas as a particularly strong leader who keeps his word, confidently makes decisions and bravely navigates through crises. It is especially important that the head of state defends the interests of the people of Lithuania with all his powers, when he has to negotiate the European Union’s support basket. In the hands of Aurelius, the future of our country can undoubtedly be trusted”, – emphasized the role of the country’s leader in the European arena, MEP Bronis Ropė.

The event was attended by a group of members of the Lithuanian Peasant and Green Union faction of the Seimas, municipal mayors, and public representatives.

Vaida Pranarauskaitė will coordinate the activities of A. Veryga’s election headquarters, Audronė Jankuvienė will be responsible for communication. Volunteer coordination manager Gintarė Veličkienė, meeting organizer Aušra Daugėlienė, presidential election treasurer Neringa Lavrenovė will also work in the election headquarters. The headquarters will be supported by public ambassadors of the candidate from the academic community, mayors of the country, politicians who uphold traditional values, representatives of culture and the social sector, etc.

VIDEO: Candidate for the President of the Republic of Lithuania Aurelijs Veryga announces the highlights of the election program

Political advertising was paid for from the PK account of the Union of Lithuanian Peasants and Greens. Order no. LVŽS 231211

#presidential #program #Aurelijas #Veryga #includes #cultivation #traditional #values #foreign #policy #protects #interests #Lithuania
2024-07-22 15:35:31



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