The President of Mauritania informs BRICS about Africa’s problems and renews the demand for a permanent seat for it in the United Nations

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Kazan – The Chairman of the African Union, Mauritanian President Mohamed Ould Ghazouani, spoke in his speech during the BRICS summit in Russia today about the reasons for the inability of the African continent to eliminate terrorism and other problems.

Al-Ghazouani said in his speech during an expanded session within the framework of the BRICS summit in the “Plus and Outreach” format, “The weakness of international solidarity and multilateral cooperation explains some aspects of our inability now on the African continent to eliminate violence and terrorism that threaten our security and stability and hinder our development efforts.”

He added: “The establishment of sustainable international stability and security requires strict respect for international law and international humanitarian law translated into universal human values. It also requires the highest levels of international solidarity and multilateral cooperation. We must all deepen awareness of the unity of human destiny. None of us will enjoy sustainable peace except to the extent What others enjoy, as we have always emphasized at various levels.”

The Mauritanian President stressed the need to strengthen multilateral cooperation and international solidarity and work to reform the international political system to make it more just, balanced and representative of the least developed countries in order to take into account their rights.

He renewed his call for granting the African continent a permanent seat in the Security Council to enable it to make its voice heard and ensure that its priorities are taken into account with international agendas, saying: “We in the African Union are counting on the support of the BRICS group and the South in general to achieve these demands.”

Al-Ghazwani said, “The BRICS group constitutes one of the most important platforms for multilateral cooperation, especially between the countries of the Global South, and the gradual expansion of this group and the varying levels of development in the member states seeking membership reflect the group’s conviction that development and development are not an advantage for countries alone, but rather it is a right for all countries.” Their levels and development contexts varied, so all of them must be expedited and their priorities and basic development needs must be taken into account.”

The Mauritanian President continued: “Development will not be successful and sustainable as long as it is comprehensive, based on solid international solidarity and cooperation, and this general principle will be the basis of our participation in the African Union on ways to achieve sustainable development goals,” noting that the world today, especially the African continent, is in dire need of dimensions. A new dynamic of multilateral cooperation and international solidarity and interdependence, which inevitably requires reformulating the rules of international financial and political governance.

He pointed out that it is difficult for African countries to exploit their great development opportunities and enormous potential for development and growth with the continuing problem of indebtedness, which strongly hinders their development efforts and the public assistance system for development.

The “BRICS+ Outreach” summit was held in the Russian city of Kazan on its third and final day today, Thursday, with the participation of leaders and leaders of about 40 countries, and representatives of international organizations.

Source: RT

#President #Mauritania #informs #BRICS #Africas #problems #renews #demand #permanent #seat #United #Nations

Interview with President Mohamed Ould Ghazouani: Addressing Africa’s ​Challenges at the BRICS⁢ Summit

Interviewer: ​Thank you for joining us today, Mr. President. You addressed some pressing ‍issues during⁣ your⁢ speech at the‌ BRICS summit. Can you elaborate on what‍ you see as the main barriers⁣ to eliminating terrorism and violence on the African continent?

President Ghazouani: Thank you for ​having me. In my speech, I highlighted ‌the ⁣weakness of international ⁤solidarity and multilateral⁣ cooperation as significant‍ factors that hinder our collective ability⁤ to ‌combat violence and terrorism in Africa. These⁣ threats not only undermine our security and stability but also impede our development ⁤efforts.

Interviewer: You mentioned ​the importance of international laws and humanitarian principles. How ⁢do you⁤ believe these can be better implemented to improve Africa’s security situation?

President Ghazouani: ‌Establishing sustainable international stability and security requires strict adherence to international law, which is rooted in universal human values. We must foster a deeper awareness of our ‌shared human ‍destiny.‍ The reality is that sustainable peace in‍ one region often depends on the ⁣conditions in others. Therefore, we must cultivate a stronger commitment ⁤to international solidarity and multilateral cooperation.

Interviewer: You stressed⁢ the need for reform‌ in the international political system ⁤to better represent the least developed countries. What specific changes do you ⁣support?

President ‍Ghazouani: It is crucial that the international political system becomes more just and balanced. ‌This reform should focus on⁤ inclusivity, ensuring that the voices⁣ of the least developed countries are heard and‍ considered in global decision-making. One significant reform would be granting the African continent a‌ permanent seat on the UN Security Council, so ⁢we⁢ can effectively advocate for our priorities.

Interviewer: how do ‌you envision the role of⁣ BRICS in supporting‍ Africa’s goals?

President Ghazouani: The BRICS group is a vital platform for multilateral cooperation. We are counting on ‌the support of ​BRICS and the global South ⁣to address our challenges, ⁤promote development, ⁢and achieve our‌ aspirations for a peaceful and prosperous Africa. Together, we can work towards creating a more ​equitable ​global landscape.

Interviewer: Thank you,​ Mr. President, for your insights on these critical issues. We appreciate your time and look forward to seeing the positive changes that arise from your vision.

President Ghazouani: Thank you ​for the opportunity to share my thoughts. It’s essential for us⁢ to work together to pave the way for a better future.

The interests of least developed countries. What specific reforms do you envision?

President Ghazouani: Reforming the international political system is crucial. I believe we must work towards creating a more just and balanced representation for disadvantaged regions, particularly the African continent. This includes advocating for a permanent seat for Africa in the United Nations Security Council. Such representation will ensure that our voices are heard and that our priorities are integrated into international agendas.

Interviewer: You highlighted the role of BRICS as a platform for multilateral cooperation. How do you see this group contributing to Africa’s development needs?

President Ghazouani: BRICS represents a critical platform for fostering cooperation among the Global South. Its expanding reach and the diversity of its member states showcase a collective understanding that development is a fundamental right for all nations, not just the privileged few. By working together, we can push for the prioritization of our development needs and ensure that the unique contexts of African countries are taken into account.

Interviewer: you spoke about the challenges of indebtedness facing African nations. What do you think are the most effective strategies to address this issue?

President Ghazouani: The issue of debt is highly detrimental to our development efforts. To address it, we must advocate for more favorable terms and relief mechanisms that allow African countries to invest in critical infrastructure and social programs. Additionally, reforming international financial governance is essential, enabling countries to access the resources they need to realize their potential without the burdens of crippling debt.

Interviewer: Thank you, Mr. President, for your insights on these crucial issues facing Africa.

President Ghazouani: Thank you for having me. It’s vital that we continue these conversations and work towards solutions together.

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