The Power Your Evolution app has psychologists who help achieve mental well-being

Lately, many people are interested in the world of meditation, yoga, coaching and other similar techniques to counteract stress and anxiety and achieve a state of mental and personal well-being. It is very common to find businesses or experts that carry out these activities in person or on virtual platforms such as YouTube.

However, little by little, much more practical tools emerge that allow greater flexibility. This is the case of Power your evolution, a unique and easy-to-use mobile application, which has positioned itself as a great help to improve people’s mental and emotional health, created by Evoterapia.

The perfect tool for stress and anxiety

Power your evolution is a mindfulness tool suitable for any type of mobile device that helps people manage stress and anxiety. Its objective is to improve mental well-being little by little, through the different practices available. In addition, the platform allows users to plan healthy habits, encourages them to achieve empowerment over their well-being, helps improve interpersonal relationships and contributes to the fulfillment of the objectives that each one sets for themselves.

On the other hand, as it is designed to always be carried on the mobile, Potencia tu evolución can be used at any time and in any area of ​​daily life, at the pace set by each person and without the need for expert knowledge. In addition, although it is mainly designed to improve well-being in individuals and companies, this app allows you to access and connect with psychologists and coaches through Evotherapy to book an appointment online, in person, or even organize group sessions, for those who want to start in the group therapy or coaching, in a dynamic and relaxed way.

Plans and prices of Power your evolution

The practices available in the Power Your Evolution application are designed by experts in mental and emotional health. In this sense, the application offers two types of plans. One of them is free and includes guided meditations, exercises and relaxation practices, help in creating healthy habits, and evolutionary pills. Also, for a price of 9.99 euros per month, the tool provides a premium plan that has access to more features. In addition to the options of the free version, this plan includes a guide to learn to meditate. But, above all, the possibility of booking an appointment with a specialist psychologist with a 20% discount stands out. Power your evolution also provides group therapy and coaching sessions, a calendar to record reminders and music therapy sessions.

With all these functions, Power Your Evolution helps to manage stress and anxiety, to find the best version of each user, to improve self-esteem and empowerment and, above all, to achieve the mental well-being and relaxation that everyone needs. at any moment of the day.



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