The Power of Taurine: Boost Health and Slow Aging with this Energy Drink Ingredient

2023-06-11 22:48:02

Research conducted by a group of scientists at Columbia University, USA, indicates that a deficiency in the taurine compound may lead to aging in animals, as the compound shows capabilities to slow aging and prolong life.

The study found that taurine levels decline significantly with age and that providing taurine as a dietary supplement significantly improved the health of rats and monkeys.

Taurine is a common ingredient in energy drinks, including brands such as Red Bull, Monster Energy, Rockstar, NOS, Full Throttle, and AMP.

Taurine supplement pills are also available, which are useful for people who do not want to consume the caffeine and sweeteners found in energy drinks.

The same study also found that taurine supplementation can slow down the aging process in worms, mice, and monkeys and can extend the healthy lifespan of mice by up to 12%.

site says Sci Tech Daily Taurine can be the elixir of life within us that helps us live longer, healthier lives.

Previous studies showed an important role for taurine in building bones, improving immunity, reducing obesity, and improving nervous system functions.

Research has shown that taurine levels in 60-year-olds are regarding one-third of those in 5-year-olds.

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