The power of a smile – Lena Miro: — LiveJournal

At my friend’s wedding, her mother, looking at our mutual friend, delivered a verdict: “But Ira will never marry.”


It was regarding 20 years ago, and then we did not believe in such a harsh and seemingly unfounded prediction.

Irka was certainly no worse than the others: a neat brunette, always well dressed, with a degree in economics and parents who were ready to hurt themselves for the sake of their only daughter.

However, this daughter never married. Is it misfortune? Only if the woman herself wanted to get married, but it did not work out. So Irka wanted. Highly.

And everything, it would seem, she had for this.

And she followed her figure, and got a good job, and eventually bought an apartment, but she still lives alone. Men never spoiled her with attention.

It seemed a little strange to me before, but I sincerely believed that Irka was simply unlucky.

However, over time, I saw in her the same thing that my friend’s mother saw: the expression on her face.

Ira’s features are pleasant, but the expression, how to put it mildly, is not conducive to acquaintance.

Like, a good girl Irka, but gloomy. He never smiles, his eyebrows are constantly slightly shifted. On the face one can read the oppression of life, the load of some kind of permanent problems.

There is no lightness, cheerfulness, love for life in it. The face is young, but the energy of the old woman. It’s always been that way. Ever since the student bench.

Men read the senile code from a woman at the subconscious level and instinctively bypass this side.

One of my friends – a rich, single man of 45 – once said:

– I do not want to build relationships with students, we are on different wavelengths. But women following 35 are not interesting to me. – Why? I asked.
– Yes, they are somehow tired, beaten by life, or something. No fire, no drive. Especially following a divorce.

Men really look for drive, fire, and passionate love for life in us. With age, in many women, these qualities are dulled, and sometimes they are completely replaced by some kind of chronic fatigue.

But such, my paws, do not be! Smile more. Being alive is already a reason to thank God and smile.

Do not agree? Tell that to my friend who has stage four cancer.

The most effective way to give your face an attractive and youthful expression is not to fill your lips with fillers, but to part them more often in a smile.

A slight smile is appropriate almost always. It is with her help that you can easily gain a reputation as a charming woman.

Start paying attention to the expression on your face when you say hello.

You can, passing by a neighbor, mutter “Hello” under your breath, or you can look into her eyes and smile. You can greet colleagues with a serious “Good morning”, or you can say the same “Good morning” with a smile.

When was the last time you sincerely and heartily smiled at your husband in the morning? That’s it!

Smiling people are loved. Smiling people get away with it more. People who smile are more likely to fall in love.

Smile more often, because it is in a smile that your feminine strength lies.




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