The post to the MP with the background of the “laundromat’s son”

Explosive atmosphere between Elena Akrita and Thanasis Petrakos…

Through a post on social media, Thanasis Petrakos, former member of SYRIZA and current member of the Varoufakis party, MERA25, gave a harsh response to Elena Akrita after she posted about the “son of the washerwoman with the hole in the underpants”.

Thanasis Petrakos reproduces a post by the poet-prose writer Aris Stamatakis, who refers to Elena Akrita’s father, Loukis, saying, among other things: “When your father Loukis decided to find his fortune in Athens, your grandfather in Cyprus sold his ox…”.

The post of Thanasis Petrakos

From dear friend Aris Aris Stamatakis Well done Aris!!!
“Mrs. Elena Akrita spoke about the washerwoman’s son with the hole in his underpants and the ..vegetables. The washerwoman’s son says to be afraid…
– Be quiet, Mr. Elena.
So let me remind you:
When your father Loukis decided to find his fortune in Athens, your grandfather in Cyprus sold his ox and gave all the money to your father with which he tried his start.
When the amount was gone he sat for a day in despair in the Royal Garden. He was looking at a tall tree and thinking dark thoughts.
– If I climb to the top and fall on my head… These were the thoughts of young Loukis that day. However, luck smiled on him and he found his first temporary job. In Lambrakis if I remember correctly.
– During the difficult days of my life, I always remembered the young Louki, the poor child from Cyprus, and I took courage. The kid with the hole in his underpants .. The young Luke who got where he got.
– So don’t underestimate Mr. Akrita those who are not full. Completely by coincidence, they are exactly where you come from…”.

Elena Akrita’s apology and resignation that was not accepted

It is recalled that, yesterday, Friday, Elena Akrita submitted her resignation from the Parliamentary Group of SYRIZA PS, but this was not accepted by the president of KO, Nikos Pappa. It was preceded by the MP’s post in which she said she had a “moral duty” to resign, putting her seat at the party’s disposal.

The MP informed Nikos Pappa of her intention to resign by SMS. There was no letter of resignation and therefore no relevant document was received from the office of the Speaker of the Parliament, Kostas Tassoulas. If Ms. Akrita were to send a letter to the president of the Parliament, her resignation would be irrevocable – as happened in the case of Othon Iliopoulos – and then the debate would open again about the possibility of Stefanos Kasselakis entering the Parliament.

Elena Akrita’s post

“Despite the fact that I apologized for my mistake, I judged that I have a moral duty to resign from the Parliamentary Group of SYRIZA PS. I sent a relevant letter to the President of KO, making my office available to the party.

Nikos Pappas did not accept my resignation, considering that, in this case, public admission, recognition and restoration is enough. This is how I go about life. With right, with mistakes always guided by my value system and my conscience”.


The apology for the “son of the washerwoman” and … Lenin

Earlier, Ms. Akrita had made a rebuttal, saying that she used the term “son of the washerwoman” thinking it was attributed to Lenin, which is not the case. “Lenin would never have written something so disparaging and I should have evaluated and cross-checked it,” he wrote. “I am truly sorry,” he said.

Her previous post in detail

“I would like to correct something I wrote yesterday. The phrase “fear not the full, fear the washerwoman’s son” is wrongly attributed to Lenin. Error. A mistake that many have made, myself among them, more than once. Lenin would never have written something so disparaging and I should have evaluated and cross-referenced it.
I am truly sorry. Link to the topic in the comments Edit. I’m really sorry. Let’s see when some others apologize.”


“Don’t be afraid of the full one, be afraid of the washerwoman’s son”

The story started after a photo was chosen by the SYRIZA Member of State to comment on Thursday night’s OREN poll, in which SYRIZA was the fifth party. The photo showed a TV with the relevant graphic, but what everyone noticed was that there was also an indoor swimming pool in the background.

Elena Akrita herself, in fact, felt the need to explain about this pool, two hours after the post and after the comments on social media were “raining”.

“And to catch up with them, yes the house has had a pool for almost 40 years, since 1985 when it was built. If I had something to hide, I wouldn’t photograph her. Don’t be afraid of the full one, be afraid of the washerwoman’s son. Who entered politics with a hole in his underpants and found himself with a colossal fortune” wrote Elena Akrita, with her comment triggering a new round of comments on X.


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#post #background #laundromats #son



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