The possibilities of artificial intelligence (AI)

2023-12-22 23:02:00

The Ebener entrepreneur Hansjörg Weitgasser provides insights into the advantages and disadvantages of implementing artificial intelligence for the regional and international economy.

The Pongau expert for artificial intelligence (AI), Hansjörg Weitgasser, also relies on AI in his digital marketing company. In the PN interview, the entrepreneur talks regarding the advantages of the digital innovation, the fears of entrepreneurs and employees and the diverse opportunities for regional companies.

To what extent can artificial intelligence support companies in their everyday life? Hansjörg Weitgasser: Many people already unconsciously use AI in their private lives. Applications such as facial recognition on cell phones, AI-supported toothbrushes or vacuum cleaner robots. It is therefore more than obvious that AI will find its way into companies of all sizes and support them in their work. It enables the automation of routine tasks, improves data analysis, facilitates decision-making processes and optimizes customer interactions. AI systems can efficiently process large amounts of data and derive valuable insights from it, leading to more efficient operations. AI helps assess risk by identifying patterns and trends in data better than humans ever might. It can also simulate future scenarios and help companies make more informed decisions.

In your opinion, does such an AI implementation also work regionally?
Business? Absolutely. AI technologies are relevant not only for large companies, but also for the regional and medium-sized sectors. For example, you can assist local retailers with inventory management or help small businesses improve their online presence through personalized digital marketing strategies. Use in very traditional sectors such as agriculture also offers great potential for artificial intelligence thanks to digitalization and comprehensive data collection in recent years.

What are your experiences with AI and do you also use it in your digital marketing operations? My experiences with AI are mostly positive. In digital marketing, for example, it is used to personalize , optimize search engine strategies and analyze customer behavior. These applications allow marketing efforts to be more targeted. Its use is particularly helpful in automated customer interactions such as chatbots, personalized content creation and prediction of buyer behavior. AI helps to optimize customer contact and maximize the return on investment. Artificial intelligence is also an absolute game changer in creative processes.

How autonomously can and should AI be used in a company in your opinion?
AI should be viewed as a supporting tool that complements human work, but does not completely replace it. AI’s autonomy should always be limited by human oversight and ethical guidelines to ensure decisions are made responsibly and transparently. Common concerns include privacy, security of AI systems, potential job loss, and lack of transparency in AI decision-making processes. There are also concerns regarding control and accountability in autonomous systems.

Which of these fears can you already allay and which open questions do you think still need to be clarified?
Privacy and security concerns can be mitigated through strict policies and transparency in data usage. Fear of job loss can be reduced through retraining programs and a focus on AI-powered jobs. However, questions regarding ethical responsibility and the fair use of AI still need to be discussed and clarified. The EU recently sent a strong and unique example worldwide with the new AI Act. The aim is to preserve the opportunities and minimize the risks by classifying AI systems and creating a legal framework.

Can implementing AI also mean job cuts?
In some cases, it may result in job cuts, particularly for repetitive or routine tasks. However, AI also creates new jobs and requires new skills, changing the job profile in many industries.

How can companies best find out regarding their options with AI?
Companies should first find out more regarding specialist literature, online courses and specialist events. It is also advisable to speak to IT consultants or AI experts to develop a tailored strategy. The first steps typically include an inventory of current processes and an analysis of where AI might provide the greatest benefit. My company offers a wide range of services such as lectures, training and support in the introduction and implementation of AI strategies.

In my experience, we are all already in the midst of a comprehensive digital transformation that is reaching a new level with the use of artificial intelligence. Although I am convinced of the technology and the possibilities, it will be the case here, as in other areas, that things that have been taken for granted for decades and which have been reduced due to cost savings and a lack of staff, will suddenly experience extreme appreciation. A conversation with a real human customer advisor will suddenly be perceived as a highlight in a world of digital experiences.

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