2023-08-16 13:35:43
04:34 PM Wednesday, August 16, 2023
the concerto
Some women avoid oral sex during pregnancy, fearing that semen will have negative effects on the health of the mother and fetus when swallowed, but surprisingly, it positively affects the pregnant woman.
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In the next report, The Consulto reviews the effect of ingesting semen on a pregnant woman, according to Medicine Net and Parents.
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Also read: 5 benefits of sexual intercourse for the health of pregnant women
The effect of ingesting semen on a pregnant woman
1- Some studies revealed that pregnant women who practice oral sex are less at risk of miscarriage, and this is due to the protection that semen provides to them when they swallow it.
2- Sperm helps facilitate the process of natural childbirth for a pregnant woman, as it contains hormone-like substances called “prostaglandins” responsible for the ripening of the cervix.
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3- Swallowing semen plays a major role in protecting a pregnant woman from infection with infectious diseases, because it contains HLA-G, a protein that contributes to strengthening her immune system.
4- In one study, researchers found that semen contributes to a 70% lower risk of preeclampsia causing pre-eclampsia.
5- Pregnant semen helps to get rid of morning sickness, which results from the mother’s body rejecting the paternal cells, because it treats them as foreign matter, which drives them to expel them through vomiting.
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