The porn actor who murdered his lover in a cannibalistic ceremony and uploaded the atrocious images to the internet

In May 2012, Luka Magnotta murdered a college student named Jun Lin, cut up his body and mailed his limbs across Canada.

Luka Magnotta he made his living as a porn actor and bisexual taxi boy. He had already raised the suspicion of the Canadian authorities for the videos of him in which he mistreated animals. The young man recorded himself and uploaded the images to YouTube. He had thousands of people who disapproved and insulted him. But also, others who saw it with a certain morbid pleasure. Thus the views of his “productions” were on the rise.

But that did not reach the porn youtuber. In May 2012, Luka Magnotta murdered a college student named Jun Lin, cut up his body and mailed his limbs across Canada, then shared a video of his murder online titled “a lunatic, an ice pick.” .

Before that, the young Canadian was hanging out in gay bars looking for conquests and trying to make a living as a porn actor. He was not very popular in the triple X sets and many times he ended up asking for money for sex or even stealing the men she seduced.

A body scattered across Canada

The man who found the suitcase with the victim’s torso recounted that moment to Justice: “A horrible smell came out. He had been in that dead end street for several days. I had noticed it every time I had to sweep the sidewalk”.

Every morning the building janitor would go out to clean the front of the building. She had seen that black suitcase lying next to the dumpster in a classic Montreal alleyway, similar to the ones seen in Hollywood movies that allow a thief to hide from the police. The site was just a few blocks from the home of the killer, Luka Magnotta.

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Within a few days of each other, the other parts of the victim appeared in different Canadian cities
Within a few days of each other, the other parts of the victim appeared in different Canadian cities

But that morning was different. Days before, she had felt an unpleasant odor, but she attributed it to the lack of garbage collection. He went around the corner to finish cleaning up and felt a choking stench. I vomit to the side once morest a wall.

Gathered strength and went to open the suitcase. The impact was complete. The goalkeeper took just a few seconds to vomit once more. But before he might get to see the cut torso of a man with limbs torn off.

Within a few days of each other, the other parts of the victim appeared in different Canadian cities. But in this case, they weren’t found anywhere near Magnotta’s house.

For example, his left foot was discovered in a mail-wrapped package delivered to the offices of the Prime Minister of Canada, was intercepted by the Government House guard. The package that the left hand was carrying, meanwhile, was opened in one of the headquarters of a political party in that country.

After the first impact, the police did not take many days to find the murderer.  Magnotta had filmed the entire crime and uploaded it to the Internet.
After the first impact, the police did not take many days to find the murderer. Magnotta had filmed the entire crime and uploaded it to the Internet.

The days passed and the issue gained space on the front page of the newspapers and in the Canadian news. For the foot and right hand of her victim, Magnotta had chosen a far more gruesome fate. These parts of Jun Lin’s body came to two elementary schools full of children in Vancouver.

The schools were beginning the day when the directors of the establishments found the packages. They had read the news and seen the Montreal Ripper case on television. Even so, they never imagined the horror they were going to experience. Luckily the boys didn’t get to see the remains of Magnotta’s victim. They only felt a putrid smell and saw their teachers with reddish eyes.

After the first impact, the police did not take many days to find the murderer. Magnotta had filmed the entire crime and posted it on the Internet. In the footage, regarding 11 minutes long, the porn actor recorded himself cutting Jun Lin to pieces. It was the fear.

Magnotta’s Victim

Junlin, 33 years old, he was an introverted young gay man who found it difficult to relate to and have a partner. He had recently come out of the closet and just wanted a friend so he might talk regarding his situation.

Lin was Chinese and was in Montreal for the first time on a university exchange. They met through a dating app for the gay community and started talking. They had many things in common and at that first moment, the young man from the East began to think that he really liked being in Canada. He still didn’t know what he was in for.

A friend of Lin’s spoke to the Montreal press from Beijing and told what the victim was like: “I wanted to find someone with something in common. But he did not deserve this, ”he recounted through tears.

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Magnotta's profile on the dating app where he met Jun Lin, his victim
Magnotta’s profile on the dating app where he met Jun Lin, his victim

Once stopped, Magnotta told all the details regarding how he met his victim. The porn actor had placed an ad on a gay dating app in which he described that he was looking for a man for a casual sexual relationship with sadomasochistic overtones. He also recalled that they met face to face, following chatting a couple of times, on the night of May 24, 2012. The same night that the porn actor killed and dismembered Jun Lin. How was the first contact between the young people? At what point will Lin have realized the horror that awaited him?

Before falling into magnotta’s ambush, Lin sent one last text message at 9:00 p.m. A few days later, this horrified friend saw Lin once more in a video of him being murdered with the caption: “A lunatic, an ice pick.”

In the images that were shown during the murderer’s trial, he looks like Jun Lin was stripped naked and tied to the bars of a bed of a room that was dimly lit. Just a spotlight illuminated the mattress on which the victim was lying.

With Jun Lin bound and gagged, Magnotta played a record by the band New Order to get inspired. She then looked Lin in the eye before murdering him with an ice pick and kitchen knife. Immediately followingwards, she dismembered him with the same elements.

Their bloody and heinous raid did not stop at that moment. Magnotta raped Lin’s body and an extended version of the footage seen by police revealed that ate parts of the victim’s corpse.

kitty killer

Before the horror caused by the murder and dismemberment of Jun Lin, Magnotta was already in the crosshairs of the Canadian police. The porn actor had filmed himself while he tortured and killed some cats to generate content for his Internet videos. It was the closest antecedent of what he would later do with the body of the young Chinese.

An image of Magnotta released during the trial in which he was sentenced to life imprisonment
An image of Magnotta released during the trial in which he was sentenced to life imprisonment

Less than two years before Lin’s murder, Magnotta had posted a video online of him suffocating two tabby kittens to death with a vacuum cleaner and a plastic bag. In the background she was heard New Order, Just like the night he murdered the Chinese student.

Such was the repercussion that it became a documentary on Netflix. In “Don’t mess with the cats” It tells how a group of animal protectors tries to find the identity and whereregardings of Magnotta before he continues killing cats.

At the time of Lin’s murder trial, Magnotta was evaluated by several psychiatric experts. “For the defendant, the problem was simply that negative attention is better than no attention.” He had gotten thousands of views with his kitten-killing images. With Jun Lin he went for more.

Despite his defense attempts, the jury did not accept the argument that he was crazy. Thus, in December 2014 he was he is sentenced to life imprisonment. For Lin’s family, Luka Magnotta’s punishment will surely never be enough. “I will never see his smiling face,” said the victim’s father following the sentence. I won’t be able to hear her laugh.”

After the conviction, Magnotta’s life in prison was very low key. But the scandal broke out once more during 2020 with the coronavirus pandemic. At that time, Canadian media revealed the way in which the murderer lived in prison.

The Ripper had a pen pal with whom he had planned an intimate prison visit. For the occasion, Magnotta rented movies and had special food delivered.

Photos taken inside the maximum-security unit in Quebec, which Magnotta describes as a university since the cell doors are open “90 percent of the time,” show him relaxing with Jonathan Lafrance-Rivard, who was jailed for have sex with children. Locked up, he’s still a monster.

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