The popularity of compulsory education in my country has reached the average level of high-income countries, and the population with a university degree exceeds 218 million.

Source title: The popularity of compulsory education in my country has reached the average level of high-income countries, and the population with a college education in China exceeds 218 million

On September 27, the reporter learned from the press conference of the “Ten Years of Education” held by the Ministry of Education that my country’s education popularization level has achieved a historic leap, and the landscape of education is undergoing structural changes.

In the past ten years, the level of education popularization among Chinese people has been continuously improved, the opportunities for people to receive education have been further expanded, and the level of education has been further improved. In 2021, there will be 529,300 schools of all levels and types nationwide with 291 million students; compared with 2012, there will be more than 6,300 schools and more than 28 million students.

There are 295,000 kindergartens nationwide, with 48.052 million children in pre-school education, with a gross enrollment rate of 88.1%, an increase of 23.6 percentage points in ten years, and basically universalization. There are 207,000 schools in the compulsory education stage, with 160 million students, which has been fully popularized. There were 22,000 high school education schools with 39.764 million students and a gross enrollment rate of 91.4%, an increase of 6.4 percentage points in ten years. There are 3,012 higher education schools, with a total enrollment of 44.3 million people, an increase of more than 11 million in ten years, and a gross enrollment rate of 57.8%, an increase of 27.8 percentage points in ten years, nearly doubling. The popularization of education at all levels has reached or exceeded the average level of middle- and high-income countries, and the popularization of compulsory education has reached the average level of high-income countries in the world. Higher education has achieved a historic leap from popularization to popularization.

In 2021, the average years of education of the working-age population in my country will reach 10.9 years, an increase of 1.0 years from 2012. Among them, the proportion with higher education was 24.9%, an increase of 10.3 percentage points over 2012. There are more than 218 million people in the country with a university education, and the quality of the people has been continuously improved, providing strong intellectual support for high-quality economic development.

In the past ten years, the achievements of education development have benefited all people more and more fairly.In the compulsory education stage, the students who dropped out of school and registered cards have been dynamically cleared, and all 2,895 counties across the country have achieved a basic balance of compulsory education, which has become another new milestone; the government-led student financial aid policy system with active participation of schools and society has All grades, all schools, allfamily“Students with financial difficulties” have been fully covered, and nearly 1.3 billion students have been sponsored in ten years to ensure that “no student will be dropped out of school due to family financial difficulties.” There are more kindergartens. In 2021, there will be 245,000 inclusive kindergartens nationwide, accounting for 83% of the total number of kindergartens. The proportion of children in inclusive kindergartens will reach 87.8%, an increase of 20.5 percentage points from 2016.

In 2021, the total number of children of migrant workers in the compulsory education phase will reach 13.724 million, of which 90.9 will study in public schools and enjoy the government-purchased degree service in private schools. %.

Children in rural areas have improved nutritional status and are taller. In-depth implementation of the nutrition improvement plan for rural compulsory education students, covering 123,800 rural compulsory education schools, benefiting 350 million students. Compared with 2012, the average height of boys and girls increased by 4.2cm and 4.1cm respectively in the areas where the nutrition improvement plan was implemented. International organizations such as the World Food Programme believe that “the nutrition improvement plan for Chinese rural students is an amazing plan in the world.”

In the past ten years, the proportion of large classes in primary schools has dropped from 14.0% to 0.7%, and the proportion of large classes in junior high schools has dropped from 28.3% to 0.7%; the proportion of large classes in ordinary high schools has dropped significantly, from 47.8% to 4.8%, a drop of 43 percentage points. Compulsory education in 2021 Large classes are basically eliminated.

The governance of off-campus training has achieved remarkable results. More than 90% of the students can complete the written assignments within the specified time, and the school’s following-school services have basically achieved “5+2” full coverage, and more than 92% of the students have voluntarily participated in the following-school services.

Secondary and higher vocational schools (excluding technical schools) have cumulatively trained more than 79 million graduates in ten years, providing more than 70% of new employees for modern manufacturing, strategic emerging industries and modern service industries; Adult colleges and universities) have cultivated more than 77 million high-quality professional talents in ten years, and continue to provide strong intellectual support for the implementation of major national strategies and economic and social development.

The scale of teachers is constantly expanding. In 2021, there will be 18.444 million full-time teachers in schools of all levels and types across the country, an increase of 26.2% over 2012. The problem of insufficient number of teachers for a long time has been effectively alleviated. Driven by the demonstration of the normal universities under the Ministry, 28 provinces across the country have implemented public-funded education for normal students in local colleges and universities. Every year, regarding 50,000 college graduates teach in rural primary and secondary schools. Since the implementation of the “National Training Program”, the central government has invested more than 20 billion yuan and trained more than 18 million teachers and principals. The “Special Post Program” has recruited 1.03 million teachers in total, covering 22 provinces in the central and western regions, more than 1,000 counties, and more than 30,000 rural schools.



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