The poorest harvests for several decades

Frost and mildew: the 2021 harvest is the weakest since the start of harvest statistics in 1966.

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The year 2021 will have been particularly difficult for the winegrowers, who have even been victims of theft, in addition to being subjected to unfavorable climatic conditions. With 22.7 million kilos of cellared grapes, the 2021 harvest is the lowest since the start of harvest statistics in 1966. It shows a volume that is more than 40% lower than for the vintage. 2020 and 50% compared to the ten-year average, reports the canton of Valais in a press release.

As the vines began to bud, the nights of April 6 and 7 saw persistent cold that caused frost damage, particularly on grape varieties with early budding, such as cornelian and arvine.

Throughout the growing season, from May to July, climatic hazards followed one another, in particular episodes of hail and very heavy rains, favoring the development of diseases, especially mildew. The incessant rains in July and the rare windows of dry weather made pest control particularly difficult. Depending on the grape variety and the sector, the winegrowers might only observe the extent of the damage caused by mildew on the crops.

But good quality grapes

The harvest was particularly late. They were spread over the entire month of October. The strict sorting of the harvest and the elimination of spoiled or under-ripened grapes increased the time required for harvesting tenfold, but made it possible to cellar good quality grapes.

With 12.7 million kilos of red grapes and 10 million kilos of white grapes, the 2021 harvest is the lowest for several decades. The natural sugar content for the 2021 vintage is close to the ten-year averages for Sylvaner (93 ° Oe), Pinot Noir (95 ° Oe) and Gamay (93 ° Oe). They are slightly lower than the average for the chasselas (78 ° Oe).

“Sustained acidity brings jovial freshness to the wines of the vintage. The white wines display an intense fruitiness blending elegance and liveliness. The red wines, dressed in a bright and intense color, reveal charming aromatic expressions of fruit and spices and generous concentrations. Wines full of daring that promise all the pleasures, ”concludes the Canton in its press release.



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