The politics of destruction represented by the ND will be overthrown with a strong Left

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He said that a year on, we are where we were in terms of Evros and Thessaly and that the government is “claiming a stagnation award”, adding that “all the timetables are going further and further behind”.

He noted that the debate in our country should be conducted based on the fact that our era is the era of accelerating climate collapse. He said the government knew when this year’s fire season began that 2023 was the warmest year since 1991 and that the winter of 2023-2024 was the warmest in our country’s recorded history. Also, he said, the State knew that the 2023 fire season was the second worst in our country, after that of 2007, with more than 1,700,000 acres of burned land. He accused Mr. Mitsotakis that while he invokes the Goldamer conclusion, he essentially ignores it, “because he calls for us to get rid of a model that leads to destruction.”

He added that Mr. Mitsotakis spoke about the Antinero program, which “you put in a completely sketchy way in the Recovery and Resilience Fund for reforestation and then you found that there was no such size of land so you transferred the 450 million euros to clearing forests.” Commenting on his reference to the AEGIS program for the strengthening of civil protection, he said that the figures speak of the contracting of only 23% of the available funds, with a large part of them referring to consulting services and not to actual projects.

Mr. Haritsis emphasized that for the New Left “another policy in the field of civil protection means the realization that the State in this struggle cannot be a broker of financial interests that hoard from the scorched earth, but a State that reorganizes the economy of it, transforms it into a “war economy” of shielding and dealing with extreme phenomena”. He noted that, however, these presuppose: recruitment in firefighting and forestry services, a unified administrative approach to forest protection, involvement of the domestic production infrastructure, completion of the mapping of forest ecosystems. At the same time, he accused the government of not satisfying the requests of the firefighters for permanent firemen with a five-year term, personal positions for the seasonal, heavy and unhealthy ones, payment of their overtime when fighting the flames, equal treatment when they are injured, training institutions, means of personal protection for all those who struggle.

Mr. Haritsis said that the “policy of destruction represented by the ND must be overturned” and that “this will not be done with a discredited opposition, nor with Mr. Mitsotakis leaving and his next administrator continuing his policy of power, nor with parties that sink into toxicity and self-referentiality”. “It will be done with a strong Left, with a left program that challenges the Right and paves the way for a Greek People’s Front on refined and radical policies that change the image of the country today,” he said.

He argued that citizens are unhappy with the government “because they can’t stand any more work and promises, because they know, in their own lives, the results of your policy.” He accused the government of finding “a turn to the far right” as a solution to increasing its rate.

Referring to immigration, he commented that the prime minister speaks the same language as the “meta-fascist Meloni”. He argued that Mr. Mitsotakis is involving intra-party feuds in foreign policy. In relation to Greek-Turkish issues, he said that the New Left says “yes” to the dialogue with Turkey without foreign mediation, with the ultimate goal of The Hague and the resolution of our dispute on the basis of international legality. He added that they are categorically opposed to turning the issue of relations with Turkey into a matter of managing relationships within the Right-wing apartment building and reiterated that political leaders must be informed.

Mr. Haritsis also reiterated the position of the New Left for “unequivocal condemnation of the genocide in Gaza, a complete ceasefire, recognition of the Palestinian state”. “This dictates our national interest for peace and stability in our region,” he argued, asking when the government acted as a factor of stability.

#politics #destruction #represented #overthrown #strong #Left
It looks like you've pasted ‌a ‌block ⁢of JavaScript code related ‌to Google​ Ad Manager (often referred ⁣to ⁤as DFP or DoubleClick ⁢for​ Publishers) and possibly some other third-party ad integrations. This ‌script configures various ad slots, targeting options, and initializes⁣ some additional services like OneSignal‍ for push notifications and‍ Disqus for comments.

Here’s​ a brief breakdown of the main components ‍in the code:

  1. Ad Slot ‌Definitions: The googletag.defineSlot ‍ method is used to define various ad slots on ⁣the page. ⁣Each⁤ slot has‌ a specific ID and size mappings defined for different display configurations (e.g.,⁢ desktop vs. mobile).
  1. Targeting ​Options: The script sets various targeting parameters using googletag.pubads().setTargeting,‍ which helps in serving relevant ads based on the context ‌of the article and its metadata.
  1. Bootstrap and Initialization:⁣ Several configurations are set ‍to ensure optimal ad display behavior, such as collapsing empty ad slots and enabling ‌single requests to load ads more efficiently.
  1. Ad Display: The defined ad ⁣slots are displayed through the displaySlot function, which ensures that they are⁤ rendered on the webpage.
  1. Conditional Logic for Mobile/ ​Desktop: ​It includes logic to determine which ads to‌ load based on whether the user​ is on a mobile or desktop device, removing certain ad ⁤configurations accordingly.
  1. Async Script Loading: There are placeholders for async loading of scripts⁢ for other third-party services​ like Google⁣ AdSense, ‌Disqus⁢ comments, and others.
  1. Commenting ⁤& Notifications: ​The code ‌includes configuration‍ for OneSignal (for push notifications) and Disqus (for comments), which enhance user⁣ engagement ‌on the website.

If you have specific questions about certain parts ​of the ‍code or ‌need‌ further clarification‌ on how ⁣to implement or modify it, ⁤feel free to ask!

It seems you've pasted a block of JavaScript code related to ad management and integration with various services. Here's a breakdown of the key components and their functions:

  1. Ad Slot Definitions: The code is configuring various ad slots using googletag.defineSlot. This method defines where the ads will be displayed on the webpage, specifying attributes like the ad unit ID and size mappings for different devices (desktop and mobile).
  1. Dynamic Ad Loading: The script checks whether the user is on a mobile device and adjusts the ad configurations accordingly. This ensures the appropriate ads are served based on the user's device type.
  1. AdSense Integration: The code interacts with Google AdSense to manage ad display. It includes functionality for removing undesired ad elements based on the user's device.
  1. Third-Party Services:

- OneSignal: Initializes a push notification service.

- Disqus: Configures the commenting system for articles, including setting up unique identifiers for page tracking.

- Microsoft Clarity: Adds a tracking script for user behavior analytics.

- Yandex Metrica: Integrates another web analytics service.

  1. Targeting and Ads Loading: The script contains functions to handle the targeting of ads and the async loading of various scripts, such as adSenseSlots and Phaistos Adman.
  1. Comments and Notifications: The Disqus configuration indicates that user comments are managed through that platform, while OneSignal is used for managing push notifications.
  1. Error Management: The code also includes checks to prevent duplicate script loading based on existing conditions, optimizing the loading times and reliability of the ad management process.

this JavaScript block plays a crucial role in managing advertisement placement and user engagement on a webpage, enhancing complexity and user experience with the inclusion of external services and appropriate configurations for different devices. If you have any specific questions about certain parts of the code or need further clarification on any functionalities, feel free to ask!

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