The political controversy. The case ended up in the Region – Il Resto del Carlino

The story of the sailing trip that ended up in the crosshairs of the Ascoli magistrates had already been brought to the attention of the President of the Marche Region by the Democratic Party council group. The regional councilors Anna Casini, Romano Carancini, Manuela Bora, Fabrizio Cesetti, Maurizio Mangialardi, Antonio Mastrovincenzo, Renato Claudio Minardi and Micaela Vitri presented a question. They first drew attention to the resolution of the director of the Urp communication and training of February 27, 2024 with which the Company Training Plan (Pfa) was approved with a total cost of 624,707.40 euros also including the costs for external training authorized for individual professionals by the directors of the Ast Departmental Areas of Ascoli. “Last August 2nd, the expenses connected to the mandatory off-site refresher/training activities were paid, for the participation of 86 Ast Ascoli employees, with a total cost of 43,833.03 euros”.

Nine people participated in the course aimed at improving cohesion among the members of the organization on a sailing boat, with practical team building experiences held in Pisa on May 17-18, 2024, with a total expected cost of 4,413.02 euros (of which 3,200 registration fees paid by the Company, 601.02 food, 612 overnight stay). “President Acquaroli, were you aware of this training activity? How were the participants in the sailing boat activity identified? Do you consider it ethical and respectful of the many citizens of the Marche and Piceno areas who cannot access healthcare, to authorize a sailing boat activity in the city of Pisa to improve the cohesion of the members of AST Ascoli?” the questions posed to Acquaroli by the regional councilors of the Democratic Party in the Region.

Even the provincial secretary of the Democratic Party Francesco Ameli went hard. “The news of the team building activity on a sailing boat is a slap in the face to the citizens who are unable to book visits in a human time (therefore forced to go to the private sector) and to the health workers who carry out the Ascoli Ast every day with enormous sacrifices” said Ameli, adding that “with the distancing by the director towards her subordinates, pretending not to know the accusation, worse has been done: it is evidence of how in the Piceno health system responsibilities are unloaded on the weakest links that instead should be assumed by the highest in rank”.



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