the political cases that were dismantled

Since that year, a hurricane passed through those spheres of public power and now allows us to make a count of the damages that, through a journalistic exercise, allows, for the first time in the country, to summarize seven of the major cases that made the headlines of the front pages of Free press in the last decade.

One by one, like pieces of a puzzle, the courts have heard the arguments of the defense, the accusations, and resolved the cases. The parties have been fitting together and now they give us a clearer picture of these judicial plots, in the context of the process of renewal of the courts of justice, through which many of these cases have passed.

We have recently seen political figures who have been implicated in corruption regain their freedom and lose their position as prosecutors by presenting substantiated cases to the judges.

The special issue Corruption Puzzle is published in Prensa Libre Plus and in the print edition.

Now, for the first time, Free press It brings together what happened in each of these seven processes and allows us to understand them as a single image, in such a way that it makes it easier for our audiences to fully immerse themselves in the judicial framework of each of these characters, with a narrative thread to understand the chiaroscuros of the processes and understand how the administration of justice and the final prosecution have changed over the last decade.

The seven characters were chosen based on their relevance, accumulation of political power and media interest.

It is a documentary work that avoids evaluating the work of judges or prosecutors; nor does it make media judgments of the accused. On the contrary, it is a journalistic exercise that began by reviewing each judicial file and drawing up a chronological line of each of the processes. The final result is a detailed, concise and precise review of those political cases that fell apart over time and are now pieces of a puzzle.

The order of the publications follows editorial criteria and is prepared with interactive elements in the web version, exclusive for subscribers of Free Press Plus and in our print edition, in the following order of publication:

  • Monday, September 2: Roxana Baldetti
  • Wednesday, September 4: Mauricio López Bonilla
  • Friday, September 6: Jose Luis Benito
  • Monday, September 9: Gustavo Alejos
  • Wednesday, September 11: Otto Pérez Molina
  • Thursday, September 12: Alejandro Sinibaldi
  • Friday, September 13: Manuel Baldizón

#political #cases #dismantled



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