The Polish Minister of Sports wants to be cautious – Sport & Society

2024-01-07 19:08:57

Less than a month after the visit of the President of the Republic of Poland to the headquarters of the International Olympic Committee (IOC), the new Minister of Sports and Tourism displayed a certain distance regarding a candidacy to organize the Summer Games of 2036 without closing the idea to such a project.

Portrait of Polish Minister of Sports and Tourism, Sławomir Nitras (Credits – Official website of the Government of Poland)

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Portrait of Polish Minister of Sports and Tourism, Sławomir Nitras (Credits – Official website of the Government of Poland)

LWill Poland really embark on the path to bidding to host the 2036 Olympic Games?

While the Head of State, Andrzej Duda, encouraged such an enterprise, during the summer of 2023before reiterating his position before the IOC President in Lausanne (Switzerland), at the beginning of last Decemberthe new government seems more skeptical on the issue, as demonstrated by the recent position taken by the Minister of Sports and Tourism.

Interviewed by Radio ZETSławomir Nitras – in office since December 13, 2023 – has indeed made comments showing an obvious criticism of his predecessor and, even more, a certain caution regarding the pursuit of the Olympic ambition at this stage and Paralympic Games of Poland.

As the Minister stated in particular:

I am looking very carefully at the issue, following the President’s statement. I am sensitive to this. All major projects of this type in Poland deserve to be supported.

The Olympics are a huge undertaking, which I will support, but aside from the presidential statement, I have not seen any action.

During the aforementioned interview for Polish radio, Sławomir Nitras also considered that the country was not ready to participate in a race of this scale.

As he explained:

These are serious decisions. It’s not like building an electric car factory. It is not enough to announce and, three years later, find that only the forest has been cut down.

When the time comes, when we feel we are ready, we will make an offer and we will compete with other countries, because that is how it is done.

We are not ready for that today.

I am not closing the idea and, if the President wants to involve me [dans ce projet]I would always be happy to work jointly.

Andrzej Duda, President of the Republic of Poland, and Thomas Bach, President of the IOC, Tuesday December 12, 2023 in Lausanne, Switzerland (Credits – Jakub Szymczuk / KPRP)

Scalded by the forced withdrawal of her candidacy for the 2022 Winter Games, following an unsuccessful referendum in KrakowPoland has once again started to dream of the Olympic and Paralympic Games in the summer of 2023.

From June 21 to July 2, the country successfully hosted the European Games, an event that brought together nearly 7,000 athletes from 48 countries around 29 sports.

Also, on the sidelines of the closing of this major event, the then Minister of Sports and Tourism had raised the prospect for Poland of positioning itself for the organization of major sporting events in order to build on the heritage of European Games.

As stated in particular Kamil Bortniczuk, le 05 juillet 2023:

We should apply to host the first available Olympic Games, that is, the 2036 Olympic Games.

Poland has a sufficient level of economic development, sufficient budgetary resources and sufficient experience, partly thanks to the contribution of the 2023 European Games. Quite simply, we can do it.

It’s a political decision. I will insist that such a decision be made.

It is clear, however, that political will has – for the moment – ​​not been translated into action, in particular with regard to the formal submission of a letter of intent to the IOC.

It remains to be seen whether or not the recent change in parliamentary majority and the return to office of Donald Tusk, who was Prime Minister from 2007 to 2014 before serving as President of the European Council until 2019, will have an impact on the Olympic and Paralympic ambition in the medium term.

While the IOC gives itself time to choose the future host of the 2036 Olympics – currently focused on confirming the French Alps and Salt Lake City (Utah, USA) bids for the 2030 and 2034 Winter Games – several cities and countries have already made their respective interest known for the next summer deadline available after Paris 2024, Los Angeles 2028 and Brisbane 2032.

The Mexicol’Indonesial’Indethe South Koreathe Qatarthe Türkiyel’Egyptthe Hungary could position themselves, just like theGermany. L’Saudi Arabia and the Chine could also place themselves in a very open race.

#Polish #Minister #Sports #cautious #Sport #Society

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