The police named the most common “sins” of scooterists: without helmets and intoxicated | Business

A scooter is not a toy

According to the police, in the first half of this year, more than 300 traffic accidents were recorded, during which electronic scooter drivers did not wear any protective equipment, especially helmets. V.Grashys emphasizes that wearing protective equipment is primarily an example and responsibility of parents.

“When buying an electric scooter for a child, parents often do not think about the potential dangers and possible consequences. Both parents and children should realize that e-mail a scooter is not a toy, but a vehicle. Therefore, first of all, you should make sure that the child knows at least the basic rules of road traffic (KET), then buy him a helmet and only then – a scooter”, emphasizes V.Grašys.

Both parents and children should realize that e-mail a scooter is not a toy, but a vehicle.

The police representative is also surprised by the irresponsibility of parents, when they themselves, often without wearing any protective equipment, e-mail. a child without a helmet is also transported on a scooter.

“First of all, it is forbidden for two or three people to ride on one scooter. And to expect that a child who has seen such an example will behave responsibly when he grows up is naive, to say the least. First of all, parents should show by example how to behave correctly on the road”, emphasizes the head of the Office of Public Order.

Scooter riders: without helmets, intoxicated and not following the rules of the road

The third most common (after driving without protective equipment and driving under the influence) e-mail. offense committed by scooter drivers – non-observance of road signs and markings and driving in the dark or in poor visibility. In the first half of this year, there were a little more than a tenth of all those involved in traffic accidents.

V.Grašys also draws attention to the fact that the police are more often aware of those cases where more than just e-mails are involved in a traffic accident. a scooter driver, but also a pedestrian or the driver of another vehicle.

“When two parties are involved in a traffic accident, the probability that at least one of them will report the incident is much higher. There are quite a few cases where a person driving a scooter ends up in a health care facility, but we don’t know about it. For this reason, the statistics are not complete and do not fully reflect the real situation,” says the police representative.

The police even had to discipline those who drove onto the highway. scooter drivers.

Commenting on the statistics of the first half of the year, V.Grašys also points out that during this period 20 cases were recorded when e-mail scooter drivers damaged other vehicles, road equipment or other property, and 6 cases when the health of other persons was disturbed. Twice, the police had to discipline e-mailers who even drove onto the highway. scooter drivers.

“Disobeying KET, driving while intoxicated or without protective equipment, the consequences of the traffic accident e. can be very painful for scooter drivers. Unfortunately, this is still rarely thought about. As a preventive measure, especially for parents, I would strongly suggest looking at the personalized photos available to doctors, which capture scooter riders after injuries, it is a very effective tool,” observes V. Grašys.

Police attention to scooters

The General Commissioner of Police has obliged the officers of the chief police commissariats of the counties to organize the traffic safety measure “Bicycles”. During it, it is controlled how drivers of micromobility devices comply with KET requirements. This year it already happened twice: on July 11-13 and August 1-3. Two more raids are scheduled for August 22-24 and early September (6-8).

According to the head of the Public Order Office of the Police Department, during these raids, the police primarily try to educate road users and thus prevent possible painful events in the future.

15 min collage/Scooter, police car

“When imposing a penalty of one kind or another, we first of all hope that it will be an effective measure that will encourage you to rethink your behavior as a road user – this applies both to pedestrians crossing the street at a red light and to car drivers who do not choose a safe speed , as well as irresponsible scooter drivers.

Of course, when a road user is intoxicated, there can be no discounts, warnings or education. In such cases, strict liability is provided without any exceptions”, emphasizes V.Grašys.

email LTSA also educates scooter drivers

In order to both draw the public’s attention to this problem and increase the responsibility of scooter riders, the Lithuanian Transport Safety Administration (LTSA) initiated the informational and educational campaign “Ride with helmets” this year.

During the warm season campaign, the aim is to encourage electric scooter drivers to comply with the KET, to drive in a civilized manner, to wear helmets and other protective measures.

#police #named #common #sins #scooterists #helmets #intoxicated #Business
2024-08-25 11:02:19



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