The police introduce temporary border controls –

The police introduce temporary border controls –

– The purpose of the temporary internal border control is to give the police some more tools in border control. There is, for example, the collection of more information, more passenger data, as well as a greater opportunity to deport and deport people, says director of emergency preparedness in the Norwegian Police Directorate, Tone Vangen, to NTB.

The police must prioritize increased vigilance and intensified information gathering related to the increased threat level, and implement relevant measures in cooperation with cooperation actors.

– We are looking for criminals

There is no physical control of all travelers.

– It is a targeted control. We’re looking for criminals, we’re not going to control everyone. Our aim is that there will be no queues and difficulties for ordinary travellers, says Vangen to NTB.

If the situation changes or the police’s risk assessments indicate more invasive measures, other measures will be considered.

Unclear situation

PST assesses the situation as unclear and in constant development. They are also aware that people associated with the attack in Copenhagen have had activities linked to Norway.

The Norwegian Police Directorate has already introduced temporary, national arming of police emergency personnel. This also applies to the crews who take part in border control.

The temporary border control applies initially until 12 noon on 22 October, unless a new decision is made.

Swede charged in Denmark

Two Swedish teenagers have been charged with terrorism after two hand grenades were detonated at the Israeli embassy in Copenhagen on the night of 5 October.

The Danish security police, PET, has previously said that they are also investigating possible links to Iran after the explosions.

The operational chief of the Swedish security police (Säpo), Fredrik Hällstrøm, has also said he believes both the attack in Copenhagen and a shooting incident outside the Israeli embassy in Stockholm may have links to Iran.

After the attack with hand grenades in Copenhagen, Danish police introduced stricter border controls for traffic from Sweden.

– If anyone had any doubts about the seriousness of last week’s events at the Israeli embassy, ​​the new charges unfortunately underline with all possible clarity that the terrorist threat against Denmark is serious, said Denmark’s Minister of Justice, Peter Hummelgaard.

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