The police found traces of semen in the sink of the nightclub where Dani Alves allegedly raped the young woman


In case of Dani Alves more and more path is opening up and it is that this Tuesday the newspaper ‘The world revealed something that could take for granted the accusation Dani Alves faces about the sexual assault of a young woman in a nightclub in Barcelona.

According to the aforementioned medium, a special unit of the Mossos d’Esquadra (the Central Unit for Sexual Assaults) carried out a meticulous collection of evidence at the Sutton nightclub and one of them is traces of semen in the sink where the assault was allegedly committed. sexual.

With these tests, the Investigating Court number 15 of Barcelona could order to compare these remains of semen with those of the former Barcelona player to see if there is any coincidence.

“And I saw a stain on the ground. I cannot say 100% that it was semen, but I understood that yes, that it was over, ”the alleged victim had explained in her statement.


The Barcelona police are also analyzing the clothes the victim was wearing the night of the attack, to see if they can find any biological remains of Dani Alves.

More and more is being pointed against the Brazilian side, who in his first statement denied knowing the young woman, after he had seen himself in the bathroom and finally assured that the relations were consented, all this happened when the judge presented the evidence .

The Mossos scientific police officers also found the victim’s fingerprints in various areas of the bathroom, one of which was in the sink. She explained in her statement that the player allegedly raped her by placing her in this position.

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Security cameras

The nightclub’s security cameras also show how the player was harassing her friends before the alleged sexual assault. Now the player will have to come up with a defense strategy again.

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