The plot was sold with a “gift” in it: almost 20 thousand have to be returned. euros and look for the culprit | Business

He spent the money, and now he has to return it to the buyer

The mentioned plot was sold a few years ago in Vilnius, Senojo Gardino pl.

“A couple of years ago, my mother decided to sell the plot. We hired a broker and she found a buyer very quickly. And then the horror movie started…” the story of his mother, who is counting her 78th year of life 15min says Alina.

The woman got into an eerie situation because of the surface sewage collection pipe, which, according to Alina, was dug in Soviet times and the owner only found out about its presence on the plot after transferring the property to another owner. Because it was not registered in the Registry Center.

The new owner, after learning about the unwanted pipe on the property, sued the woman.

“That’s when we found out about it – from the buyer’s architect, from a topographical photograph. It is a strange thing that the pipe is not registered in the register, but it is in the topographical photo”, the woman wondered.

Her mother has already heard two unfavorable court decisions – they have already become legal. At that time, no authority claimed responsibility for not registering the pipe.

“We have to return the money to the buyer, but that’s why we sold the plot because we needed money. Now I can’t even imagine how to return such an amount of money,” she admitted.

Net euros / BNS photo.

The woman sees only one way – to find a responsible institution that would pay compensation to her mother for this mistake.

#plot #sold #gift #thousand #returned #euros #culprit #Business
2024-09-26 04:43:09



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