Having a balanced diet, practicing physical activity on a regular basis and, in general, having good lifestyle habits are key aspects, not only to maintain a healthy weight, but also to preserve the health of the body.
Eating too much or not exercising enough are the main reasons why people gain weight, says the health portal Healthline. To stay in the favorable kilos, the calories that a person ingests must be equivalent to the energy that they consume, therefore the ideal is to consume fewer calories than the body requires to carry out its daily functions.
When people are overweight, they are exposed to the development of non-communicable diseases such as cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, osteoarthritis and some types of cancer (such as endometrial, breast, ovarian, prostate, liver, gallbladder, kidney and colon cancer), ensures The OMS.
This corroborates that the best formula to obtain a suitable weight is to eat healthy, taking care of the consumption of calories and exercising several times a week. In a complementary way, you can resort to some home remedies that, immersed in this strategy, can be very useful in the purpose of losing weight.
One of them is fennel, a plant to which diuretic and digestive properties are attributed. If consumed as an infusion or in tea, following meals, it reduces fluid retention in the body and helps eliminate toxins, thanks to its purifying benefits, indicates information from the Nutrition and Pharmacy portal in Spain.
It also contributes to improve the digestive processpreventing people from facing what is known as empacho.
A publication of the Better with Health portal indicates that, in the particular case of seeds, they are attributed digestive and anti-inflammatory benefits. “Its regular consumption combats constipation and helps reduce abdominal measurements,” he says.
Although the seeds can be added to the diet in various ways, for example, by adding them to preparations such as bread or including them in salads as a complement and dressing, it is in the form of an infusion that its benefits can be more easily taken advantage of.
“It is recommended to combat slow digestion, constipation and abdominal inflammation. It also favors the regulation of liver functions to optimize the process of fat digestion and its properties. diuretics improve the functioning of the kidneys, as well as combat fluid retention”, argues the aforementioned source.
On the other hand, fennel has an appetite suppressant effect, due to the presence of anethole, a flavoring compound that gives it most of its properties. A study conducted in South Korea with a small group of women concluded that drinking 250 milliliters of fennel tea before eating helped them feel less hungry and consume fewer calories during the meal, Better To Health states.
Other benefits
This plant contains significant amounts of iron. According to Nutrition and Pharmacy, pregnant women are vulnerable to the loss of this mineral and, unlike other plants that they should avoid consuming, in this case there is no risk to the mother or the baby.
However, it is always valuable to consult a specialist first if you intend to take this product permanently, to avoid possible complications. In addition, it is relevant not to exceed the recommended dose in teas or infusions during the gestation period.
Finally, another of its benefits is that it helps relieve the discomfort caused by conjunctivitis. This is due to its anti-inflammatory properties, which are favorable for eyestrain and possible swelling caused by this eye condition.