The plan to protect crops from hail is under consultation

The plan to protect crops from hail is under consultation

The Hellenic Agricultural Insurance Organization (ELGA) is putting up for public open consultation the draft announcement of an electronic international open tender for the protection of farmers’ crops from hail by aerial means.

The tender, aimed at protecting farmers from natural phenomena such as hail, will be valid from August 26 and for 22 days from the posting of the announcement for the selection of contractor/s, for:

  • The Lease of a Hailage Protection System with Aerial Means-Flight equipment with the criteria for awarding the most economically advantageous offer based on the best quality-price ratio.
  • The Lease of Weather Radars with award criteria the most economically advantageous offer based on the best quality-price ratio
  • The supply of Silver Iodide in packaging, with the criteria for awarding the most economically advantageous offer based on the best quality-price ratio
  • The Supply of Radioactive Materials, with the award criterion being the lowest price.

The draft of the declaration has been put up for public consultation in accordance with the applicable provisions on the ESIDIS web portal and on the ELGA website.

Interested parties can submit their comments.

#plan #protect #crops #hail #consultation



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