The plan for Civil Protection “when we become a government” VIDEO

Stefanos Kasselakis presented the government plan of SYRIZA-PS for Civil Protection.

THE Stefanos Kasselakisaccording to iefimerida, presented his plan SYRIZA-PS for Civil Protection with a video.

St. Kasselakis develops the SYRIZA plan

When you see your house drowning in flood defenses that have not been done,

When you lose your child on a remote control train that hasn’t been made,

When you lose your mother in a gurney, from understaffed ambulances,

When you see your house in Athens burning,

One thing is certain, something is wrong.

We all know that now. This is why the show of Kyriakos Mitsotakis impersonating Tom Cruise did not sell tickets. That’s why he took so many MAT with him to Penteli. To protect him from the wrath of the citizens.

In the last few days, many of you congratulate me for our actions in the field and recognize the opposition we are doing, but you ask me, what would you do differently?

So I present to you what we will do when we become a government.

First of all, we will do what firefighters in the field have told us many times.

We will equip them with more, new and better fire engines. It is not possible for them to fight on the front lines with 40-year-old vehicles.

And together with the equipment, finally, we will staff the corps directly with permanent firefighters, at the same time establishing a special branch of forest firefighters, who will be charged with the entire management of the cycle of a fire. From prevention to short recovery. There are 3,500 vacancies.

A part of them is covered by seasonal firefighters with a labor exploitation status. Therefore we will immediately, fully and permanently staff the Corps, with priority of course being seasonal firefighters, and these people who protect our lives will have decent wages. It is not possible for them to work two or three jobs to survive, and then go into the field exhausted. It is both unfair and counterproductive.

As you understand, if we had these firefighters and these modern vehicles, the fire would not have reached from Barnabas to Athens. Mayors from the suburbs of Athens told me that they requested vehicles in time, before the fire reached their municipalities, but finally the vehicles came when the fire had arrived. I heard exactly the same last year in Rhodes and Evros.

Instead of sending tanks to Ukraine, we will also use decommissioned and older vehicles of the Armed Forces, which are combat-ready to deal with natural disasters. In the same pattern, we will proceed with an immediate order of new Leopard fire trucks, which were manufactured with great success by the 304 Advanced Base Factory (BAF). At the same time, the conversion of other older tanks into fire engines will also be studied.

Without vehicles and firefighters, we will never contain fires. Why Kyriakos Mitsotakis has not already done so is a question you have to address to him, it is obviously a political choice.

But let’s go to the other very important part. So we have both equipment and staff. If you don’t tune it right, then you’ll get half the performance – and a huge cost in damage recovery on top of the risk to human life.

And all this could have been prevented with proper coordination. Today there is a serious lack of coordination and there is an overlap of responsibilities.

The extent of the fire we just experienced in Attica, despite timely drone detection, proves just that: the failure of coordination in the field.

Right there, the “staff” model of Kyriakos Mitsotakis and for the issues of civil protection has completely collapsed. In recent years, Greece has rented more aircraft than Italy and Spain, and despite this, the burned areas have more than tripled.

Let’s start with the choice of Kyriakos Mitsotakis to place Vassilis Kikilia as the Minister of Civil Protection, instead of appointing a person of known operational competence, a recycling of old materials of the party tube.

Our government will have Ministers with prestige and expertise. Maximus’ chosen people, completely unrelated to the respective sector, will not be comfortable. A Prime Minister cannot play with the lives of citizens to please some members of his party.

And that is why we will immediately submit, in September, a Law Proposal for the establishment of an Independent National Civil Protection Authority, with legal, financial and administrative autonomy.

Its mission will be to organize, mobilize and coordinate actions, in all phases of the emergency management cycle, from prevention to short-term rehabilitation.

Finally, political patronage must escape partisanship.

For this reason, the commander and deputy commanders of this Independent Authority will be selected after a hearing by the Institutions and Transparency Committee of the Parliament and with the agreement of an Independent Committee of Experts, which will consist of the respective Chiefs of GEETHA, EL .AS, Fire Brigade, Coast Guard and by personalities of known value in matters of crisis management and civil protection.

In order to solve the Gordian Link of lack of interoperability between public services, we will introduce two innovations:

First, the deployment of Independent Civil Protection Authority officers, as liaisons to each region, with operational responsibility for coordinating crisis management at that local level.

Secondly, the establishment of a special Body, in charge of identifying and first responding to any type of crisis, with the aim of limiting or even stopping this crisis, until the competent Authorities are involved.

At the same time, the National Authority will be staffed by a body of scientists, who will warn in time about risks such as seismic activity, environmental conditions and epidemiological issues. They will have the expertise with algorithms to better predict the course of a fire, a major storm, a coke flood.

Civil protection will never take shape without “smart means”, without new technologies and advanced rescue and firefighting means. Therefore, in contrast to the favorite sport of Kyriakos Mitsotakis, the direct assignments and the opacity in the equipment costs, the Independent Authority will be the one that will indicate with the consent of the competent House, and will cost the necessary equipment that we need. The indication and costing of the equipment will be submitted to the Institutions and Transparency Committee of the Hellenic Parliament. Because we want transparency everywhere. Everything transparently! All with contests.

At the same time, the new Authority will also have as its task the short-term restoration of the environment from the disasters, until the competent Ministry of Infrastructure is taken over later. Thus, e.g. after a fire the Civil Protection will draw up the plan for the short-term restoration of the flora and fauna in affected areas and will itself grant the relevant permits to the agencies that want to help. Instead of prevailing today’s chaos with the abundance of bureaucratic procedures.

At the same time, a Permanent Rehabilitation Committee will be established, where the Ministry of Infrastructure, the Ministry of the Environment, the Ministry of Citizen Protection and the Independent Civil Protection Authority, T.E.E and other agencies, together with environmental and animal welfare organizations, will be represented. which will have as its mission the immediate drawing up of a specific, specific plan for the rehabilitation of each affected area.

It is clear that an immediate change of the institutional framework of First Aid is also required. It is not possible for the compensation of the state, when houses and property have been lost, to be exhausted by the payment of 5,000 euros to those affected. It is also clear that the issue cannot be solved at all by compulsory private home security, in the government’s favorite habit of shifting responsibility to citizens.

We do not believe that the doctrine of “individual responsibility” should prevail in natural disasters. We believe that the state should have the primary responsibility and social responsibility should function alongside it.

For this reason, it will be the absolute responsibility and competence of the Civil Protection Authority to set up a Register of Volunteers, in order for the Civil Society, the animal welfare organizations and the NGOs that want to help, to function properly.

We will provide full training and equipment to the volunteers, as well as the integration of such a program into military service.

The 41% that Kyriakos Mitsotakis got a year ago, now looks like ancient history in society. The discredit of Kyriakos Mitsotakis is obvious. Through our own efforts, people now understand what their propaganda is and how it is set up.

The citizens themselves are to blame for the fire in their house. The few affected. The domestic climate crisis, unprecedented spotting and WUI fires. The precision that is imported. Holidays that should be in the villages and not on the islands. The subsidy on the very expensive electricity corresponding to a coffee. Public health that is only public is no longer.

The marketing of excellence and manager Mitsotakis has collapsed.

But I know that this is not enough for you to trust us, SYRIZA. Especially when you see a party changing and renewing itself.

But SYRIZA is here. With evidenced propositions that cannot be slandered.

There is an opposition in the country. It tells you exactly what he proposes and what he will do when he rules.

And I pledge that in the next SYRIZA government, the Greek state will finally stand by its citizens, as they deserve.

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#plan #Civil #Protection #government #VIDEO



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