The PJ will approve a law from the Court of Accounts and changes to the Electoral Code in the early hours of the morning

2023-11-16 03:23:22

The Legislature of Córdoba began last night, at the close of this edition, the debate on the bill of the Court of Accounts, amidst questions from the radicalism and Independiente blocs and in the face of criticism from the tribunes elected by the majority, Beltrán Corvalán and María Fernanda Leiva.

The bill, which will repeal Law 7,630, of 1987, will establish substantial changes in the powers that the tribunes and secretaries of this provincial control body will have.

A few minutes before midnight, when this new law began to be debated in the Córdoba Legislature, the Hacemos por Córdoba bloc already had the guaranteed votes of the four PRO legislators; of the radical and future official of the government of Martín Llaryora, Orlando Arduh; and Identidad Peronista, the bench aligned with Albertism.

Before the debate began, the legislators from Juntos UCR, Encuentro Vecinal, the left and the Independent bench had also already announced in a press conference that they will aim to repeal this regulation from December 10, when the composition of the Unicameral changes. Cordoba. And they denounced that the project involves a limitation in controls, in addition to criticism for the non-review of reserved expenses, fuel, air tickets and audits, among other points.

In a tense climate not seen in the Legislature in the last almost two years, since when the legislative blocks clashed in the chamber for the approval of online gaming in December 2021, the ruling party sought to advance last night in the project with which they assured “modernization and digitalization” will be given to the Court of Accounts.

The vice president of the Legislature, Nadia Fernández; and the official Julieta Rinaldi were two of the PJ parliamentarians in charge of carrying out the defense of the main chapters that were incorporated.

“In no way is this an institutional coup (as expressed by the radical opposition), we have explained in detail what the reforms to the current regulations in relation to the operation of the Court of Accounts consist of. They are very interesting reforms and in which we are expressing a resolution with which the Court of Accounts has already been working,” said Fernández.

“A series of more modern administrative processes are established, absolute digitalization precisely to control the three powers of the State that have also migrated to digitalization. The update is necessary because, in addition, it is a law that is 37 years old, which still talks about bicameralism, when we have been unicameral for 20 years. All this modernization makes the control processes of these three powers transparent,” the legislator insisted.

“The opposition sometimes presents it to the Court of Accounts as a fourth power, when it is not. The Court of Auditors is like a kind of technical eye for the parliamentarian as well. It is important that society understands that there is no possibility of control in these times, where everything is digitalized, without the modernization of all processes within the State, including the Court of Accounts. What this law comes to do is install or give predictability and legal permanence to all administrative control processes,” added the legislator.

When asked why it had been decided in the same session to address the budget package, the creation of an agency, a project to modify the Electoral Code and the Court of Accounts law, he said: “I don’t know if the opposition legislators don’t want to work neither on Fridays nor on Mondays. Until December 9th we cannot expect to remain in a kind of larval state, frozen, waiting for December 10th to come, quite the opposite. There are many things that are pending and that need to be removed and it is our duty. “We are doing our job,” he insisted.

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From the Juntos UCR bloc they assured that the intention is to legalize the dark use of public funds and denounced that the project seeks to limit the controls of the tribunes.

“Three weeks after the replacement, they agree that the Court of Auditors has to modernize, no one can believe them,” radical Elisa Cafaratti said on the premises, at the close of this edition.

In the afternoon, in a press conference and while the 2024 Budget was being debated, the radical legislators, the parliamentarian of the Independent bloc Cecilia Irazuzta and the elected tribunes had questioned the governor Juan Schiaretti and the future provincial leader, Martín Llaryora; and assured that with the new formation of the legislative body, from December 10, they will request the repeal of the Court of Accounts law.

“Personally, I never thought that Schiaretti would choose to leave management, closing a 25-year cycle, so camouflaged with the worst practices of Kirchnerism. What we are seeing here today is an explicit Kirchnerism or Cordobanism. We do not support this outrage that clearly goes against what the citizens chose. The citizens elected a governor, who is Llaryora, but they chose a balance in the Legislature and they elected a Court of Accounts,” said radical legislator Marcelo Cossar.

Corvalán pointed out, for his part, the reduction of controls that the ruling party assured that the ruling party introduced within hours of the legislative debate, such as limitations on audits and control over reserved expenses. “Schiaretti is going away not even like the worst of Kirchnerism. This 2024 budget brings a 500% increase in reserved expenses in relation to 2023, which is scandalous. In addition to this, they are discretionary expenses, which will not go through the Court of Accounts and, in addition, the law plans to extend them to the Minister of Government and Justice, when today Security, the head of Police and Justice is reserved for them. So that also seems to us to be part of this scandal,” said Corvalán.

At the time of going to press, some 15 legislators who had requested the floor to debate the Court of Accounts bill were still waiting. In the ruling bloc there was peace of mind in getting the votes of the Together for Change, Peronist Identity and Córdoba Auténtica benches.

The ruling party would also continue at dawn with the tabled treatment of the project of the radical Orlando Arduh, who proposed modifying the deadline for calling elections a few hours into the session. This tense the atmosphere in the room, since the opposition was unaware of this treatment in a marathon session.

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