The pinnacle of the Russian Ministry of Inner Affairs arrived in New York; he’s below US sanctions

Russian Inside Minister Vladimir Kolokoltsev has arrived in New York to take part within the IV Summit of Heads of Police Authorities of the UN Member States (UNCOPS-2024). This was reported on Wednesday, June 26, by the press secretary of the ministry Irina Volk. The summit might be held on June 26-27, its purpose is to debate problems with strengthening worldwide safety and cooperation between nationwide police and UN police.

On the sidelines of the summit, conferences between Kolokoltsev and UN Deputy Secretary Normal for Peacekeeping Operations Jean-Pierre Lacroix are deliberate, in addition to bilateral conferences with some heads of delegations of legislation enforcement businesses of overseas international locations, Volk stated.

Kolokoltsev: The UN should assess the Ukrainian Armed Forces’ strike on Crimea

Through the assembly, Kolokoltsev referred to as on the UN to “give a correct evaluation” of the missile assault by Ukrainian troops on Crimea on June 23, which left 4 individuals lifeless and greater than 140 injured. In accordance with Volk, the minister expressed confidence that “all these accountable” for this assault “will undergo inevitable punishment.”

The pinnacle of the Russian Ministry of Inner Affairs additionally introduced makes an attempt by some Western states to exclude the Russian Federation from Interpol “bypassing all of the statutory paperwork of the Group,” he pointed to the “politicization of current worldwide platforms” and “manifestations of Russophobic sentiments on this planet.”

Kolokoltsev emphasised that the Russian Ministry of Inner Affairs is open to cooperation “on all the vary of problems with peacekeeping actions.”

Kolokoltsev is below US sanctions

In 2018, the US Treasury Division imposed private sanctions in opposition to Vladimir Kolokoltsev. In reference to the full-scale invasion of Ukraine by the Russian Federation, Kolokoltsev was included in one other sanctions record of the US Treasury Division. In accordance with American legislation, individuals topic to restrictions are prohibited from coming into america.

#Russian #Ministry #Inner #Affairs #arrived #York #sanctions
2024-06-27 10:00:06

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