“The Pineapple: A Delicious and Nutritious Fruit with Health Benefits for Modern Life”

2023-05-05 00:45:15

modern life

Pineapple consumption reduces the possibility of kidney stones and promotes blood circulation.


Originally from Paraguay and southern Brazil, the Spanish named the pineapple for its resemblance to the fruits of the pine tree. This measures from 15 to 40 centimeters long, has a cylindrical shape with a rough and scaly shell that is finished with thick spiny leaves, called the crown or tuft.

The pulp is yellow, juicy and fibrous, its flavor is sweet and sour and it is consumed at any time of the year, but in addition to being a delicious fruit, it also has different health benefits, since it is one of the fruits with the highest number of vitamins and minerals. Some of the most recognized benefits of this food are mentioned below, among them are:

regulate blood pressure

Pineapple is part of the “medical food” list thanks to its high potassium content that helps improve blood circulation and combat hypertension.

Its consumption is part of the recommendations of the doctors of the United States National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, “Because of its high potassium content, which manages to control blood pressure levels and promotes good blood circulation.”

This fruit contains a wide variety of substances and nutrients such as: vitamins C, A, B1, folic acid, iron and magnesium. It also stands out for its high water and fiber content, as well as its low calorie intake. In addition, it is a fruit with a powerful diuretic effect, which helps to eliminate excess water from the body through urine, and contributes to good digestion because it stimulates the production of gastric juices.

Help cleanse the kidneys

This is also a diuretic food, the properties it contains favor the kidneys; It is a rich source of vitamin C and enzymes that help fight infections, stimulate digestion and reduce the risk of kidney stones.

According to the Vix portal, the best way to consume pineapple water for the kidneys is to cut small pieces until you get the amount of a small cup, and then beat in a blender, together with a cup of rice milk, until the smoothie is fully processed. This preparation can also be made simply with water and add a natural sweetener to taste.

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Drinks with pineapple to regulate blood pressure and cleanse the kidneys

Cucumber, pineapple and celery juice

  • 1 slice of pineapple
  • 3 celery stalks
  • ½ cucumber
  • ½ glass of water
  • Wash, peel and slice fruits and vegetables. You must not forget to remove the core from the pineapple and remove the leaves from the celery.
  • Blend all the ingredients in the blender. Do this process for 2 minutes.
  • Eat it freshly prepared.
  • 1 cup strawberries
  • 2 or 3 pine nuts
  • Wash the strawberries and pineapple.
  • Peel the pineapple, then remove the stem and cut it into slices.
  • Remove the stem from the strawberries. Immediately afterwards, chop them in half or in quarters, everything will depend on the size of the fruit.
  • Blend everything until there are no lumps.

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