The pilot affiliation criticizes the principle rescue heart after the helicopter crash exterior Sotra

The 330 squadron’s rescue helicopter from Sola was already within the air and rapidly arrived on the accident web site. What the Central Rescue Service (HRS) didn’t know was that one other rescue helicopter was additionally within the air within the North Sea, near the Statfjord B platform. Calculations made by Bergens Tidende exhibits that this helicopter might have arrived half an hour earlier than rescue helicopter quantity two, which flew from Florø.

Barely 4 months after the accident, the top of the Pilots’ Affiliation takes concern with HRS’s dealing with of the state of affairs. He’s dissatisfied that they didn’t ask one of many seven personal rescue helicopters to maneuver out.

– There may be nice frustration amongst our members. Particularly amongst all those that fly search and rescue, says Carl Gilbert Rego to the newspaper.

Though there’s little indication that the lifetime of Reidun Hestetun, who died within the accident, might have been saved if she had been picked up half-hour earlier, Rego is resigned.

– My level is just not that the helicopter from Statfjord might have made a distinction within the rescue operation, however that you simply could not have recognized that on the time. It’s significantly better to summon all accessible assets first. Then the trouble may be ended if there isn’t a want, he says.

The personal rescue helicopters should be thought of a main useful resource, in the identical means as the general public ones. Rescue inspector Andreas H. Næsheim at HRS believes they made the suitable selections, even though the personal helicopters weren’t known as.

– We use the assets we all know the place they’re, reminiscent of the general public rescue helicopters. We pay money for them with two keystrokes and a voice message, Næsheim tells Bergens Tidende.

#pilot #affiliation #criticizes #principal #rescue #heart #helicopter #crash #Sotra
2024-06-20 13:42:24

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