The physiognomist told whether to wait for the divorce of Princess Charlene and Albert II

In March of this year, Charlene flew to Monaco after spending four months in a Swiss clinic, where she was treated for deep emotional and physical exhaustion. Prior to that, she spent ten whole months in South Africa. The official reason for such a long absence is a serious infectious disease.

Now the princess has returned to her duties. Since her return, she has attended quite a few official events and even accompanied her husband on trips abroad. However, there are still rumors in the press that not everything is so smooth between Charlene and Albert II. The French media confidently declare: the prince generously pays for joint exits with his wife – the amount of 12 million euros a year is called.

We are unlikely to wait for official and, most importantly, truthful comments. Relying on insiders is also not worth it. Maybe some light will be shed on the situation for us … the eyes of the princess, who can not escape from the palace? turned to physiognomist Oleg Voevodinso that he carefully studied the last exits of the royal couple and explained what their faces were hiding.

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