The photographer records a 5-hour close-up video of the sun

A sky observer has revealed stunning close-up images of the sun with amazing detail.

The flaming sphere was photographed by a special solar telescope for an amazing five hours.

You can even let the gases flow out.

Photographer Andrew McCarthy Share the stunning video on social media.

“There’s a party on the sun, but you’re not invited,” the space lover joked.

But he warned others not to look at the sun themselves with a telescope.

“Don’t try this if you don’t know what you’re doing,” he wrote on Twitter.

“You would go blind or start a fire if you pointed a telescope at the sun.”

The video has been sped up from 1800x to 3600x to show how things are moving.

It’s even bigger, to give an idea of ​​the size compared to Earth – of course, our planet is very small in comparison.

People on social media were stunned by the video.

One said: “I’m intrigued by this…it’s cool…”.

Another commented, “It’s truly amazing that you can achieve this level of detail in your own garden on your own budget.”

Scientists recently noticed a giant arc of electrified gas erupting from the Sun, releasing sunlight It goes straight to the ground.

This story originally appeared The sun It is reproduced here with permission.



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