The person arrested for the crime of the Morata de Tajuña brothers confesses that he murdered them out of “revenge” for a debt of 50,000 euros | Madrid | Spain

The confessed murderer of the three brothers from Morata de Tajuña (Madrid) appeared at the Civil Guard barracks on Sunday followingnoon and acknowledged that he had committed the crime out of “revenge” for the money lent to the Gutiérrez Ayuso. According to his statement, his victims owed him 50,000 euros. The man, 42 years old, of Spanish nationality and Pakistani origin, called Dilawar Hussain FC, had been living with the family since 2022. This detainee was the suspect from the first moment because there were two records of attacks on the younger sister, Francisca Amelia: the first in January 2023, and the second in February, when he attacked her with a hammer. He was then arrested and imprisoned, where he remained until September. On that occasion, he hit the woman three times with a hammer and kicked her to the ground.

The bodies of Amelia, Ángeles and Pepe, aged between 71 and 79, were found in their home on Thursday in an advanced state of decomposition. The main hypothesis of this murder from the beginning was that of a settling of accounts. According to several testimonies, the sisters, Amelia and Ángeles, had fallen into a love scam that had destroyed their savings. According to what Amelia told her neighbors in the town, regarding seven years ago she had met an American soldier stationed in Afghanistan online, and her boyfriend needed money to collect an inheritance. Ángeles also fell into the same trap with another supposed virtual love. During these years, the sisters made dozens of transfers and even sold an apartment they had in Madrid, but their savings ran out. Pepe, the eldest brother, 79 years old, had a mental disability and was not aware of what was happening.

The name of Dilawar Hussain FC was on the investigators’ table from the first second, so much so that that same day the judge authorized the tracking of the phones in his name to know which antennas he had been connected to and thus be able to place him in the crime scene or discard it. The investigators also requested this same measure for the cell phones of the two sisters and the traffic and connections of the Morata de Tajuña antennas in recent weeks.

The detainee’s background includes two previous attacks on the three brothers. The first, on January 10, 2023, when he was arrested for slapping Amelia, the youngest of the two sisters. The municipal police went to the house, but the Gutiérrez Ayuso family decided not to report it. A month and a half later, on February 24, the man was arrested for a second attack on that same sister, this time more serious, because he hit her several times with a hammer. The Court of First Instance number 3 of Arganda del Rey opened proceedings and decided to place him in provisional prison. The Prosecutor’s Office requested four years in prison for him for assault “with a dangerous object.” In September, he reached an agreement with his victims in which he was sentenced to two years in prison for injuries and a restraining order was imposed on him for the same period from Amelia. On September 12 he was granted freedom and left the Estremera prison.

According to the proven facts of this sentence, on February 24, around a quarter to ten in the morning, Dilawar Hussain hit Amelia on the head with a hammer up to three times when she returned home accompanied by her sister. As a result of her shock, the woman fell to the ground and at that moment the man kicked her. The woman needed medical assistance and stitches to her wounds.

The reason for the debts was that, to continue meeting the financial demands of their supposed virtual boyfriends, the women had begun to borrow money. There are numerous testimonies from neighbors and relatives who say that amounts in excess of 5,000 euros had been requested from them under the pretext of carrying out procedures to collect the supposed inheritance. Every time someone refused or tried to warn them that they had fallen into a scam, the sisters would shut down. Because her circle became more and more closed, the possibility that is gaining more strength is that Amelia had begun to ask for money from lenders who charged her high interest, including the one who ended up being her murderer.

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The three victims of Morata de Tajuña. From left to right; Francisca Ángeles, Francisca Amelia and José.

During the months in which the detainee was installed in the house, he did not interact much with the neighbors, and Amelia only said that he was a man who had a phone shop in Arganda del Rey and that they had rented him a room. After the last altercation in February, the brothers changed the locks on the house. During the visual inspection of the home, the Civil Guard found a blank pistol that Amelia might have bought for security reasons.

Those known as love scams are crimes in which an individual makes someone believe, usually older and single women, that they have a love relationship and that they need money for any reason: a surgical operation, the collection of an inheritance, the procedures to be able to traveling to meet them… Criminals always catch their victims on social networks and are capable of maintaining the deception for months or years, as in this case, until they empty the accounts of their prey. Many times, what is behind these scams are international networks that are very difficult to track and stop.

On the social networks of the two sisters, you can read several typical messages from these networks of scammers, in which they flatter their victims and begin to gain their trust. In a public message exchange on Ángeles’ Facebook account, it is seen how the woman gives her mobile number to her alleged admirer, something that the security forces and bodies warn that should never be done. . Amelia and Ángeles even shared photos of their supposed boyfriends on their Facebook accounts, but these images correspond to that of a soldier and a politician obtained from the internet that have nothing to do with the sisters of Morata de Tajuña.

The bodies were found by the municipal police of the Madrid town on Thursday, following several neighbors alerted the mayor that they had not seen them for regarding a month. At first, residents in nearby houses thought they had gone on a Christmas trip, but seeing the blinds drawn for so long and not hearing from them, they began to worry. In four days, the police obtained a court order to access the house and found the bodies, stacked and partially charred in the hall of the house.

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