The Peronist intern leaves Axel Kicillof without a deputy from his block and it is more difficult for him to reach the quorum

The bloc that answers to the governor Axel Kicillo in the Chamber of Deputies of the province of Buenos Aires suffered a desertion on Tuesday as a result of the internal of the Justicialist Party (PJ). the deputy Débora Indarte, from the district of General Pueyrredón, confirmed with a note his departure from the bench to form the monobloc “Unidad para la Victoria”. The legislator is part of the PJ sector facing La Cámpora in Mar del Plata, where the group she leads Maximo Kirchner has as a reference to Fernanda Raverta, executive director of Anses. With the departure of Indarte, the Frente de Todos is left with 42 members, five less than those necessary to achieve quorum in the sessions. Together for Change is 41.

In a note addressed to the president of the Buenos Aires Chamber of Deputies, Federico Oterminthe deputy Indarte affirmed that, “following presenting more than 170 bills, in two legislative periods”, he did not get “not a single one to be dealt with”, so he might not give “an answer to a single demand in the territory”.

“Nor have I been able to be a link to resolve different local procedures that are considered urgent”he underlined in the note, to which he agreed THE NATION. “The foregoing is attributable to issues of a political-territorial nature, which permanently hinder the performance of my function”Indarte assured. “It is for all these reasons that I request the creation of the bloc-interbloc that I have called ‘Unity for Victory'”closed the legislator in her letter addressed to Otermín, right-hand man of the Buenos Aires Chief of Staff, Martin Insaurralde.

The territorial dispute to which the deputy refers is with La Cámpora, which on March 27 took control of the Mar del Plata PJ with a varied alliance, which included, among others, union and Peronist sectors that were part of Together for Change. The reference of the group in the district of General Pueyrredón is Raverta.

From La Cámpora, they told THE NATION that Indarte’s departure “does not respect the Peronist maxim of ‘he who wins leads and the one who loses accompanies'”. A source from the organization stressed: “We see with surprise that, following an election that was transparent, he leaves the bloc.”

When asked regarding the reproaches of the deputy, they pointed out that “these are situations that occur within the blocks and that can be discussed in another way”, without the need for a resignation.

After the internal district elections, Rodolfo “Manino” Iriart, director of Correo Argentino and Indarte’s partner, had released a statement in which he targeted the organization led by Máximo Kirchner. “We consider that it is not for Peronists to demonize the adversary, persecute him, defame him or fire him from his job just for thinking differently or belonging to another sector of the same political space,” it was raised in that statement following the internal, in which the intervention of the vice president’s son Cristina Kirchnerwho presides over the Buenos Aires PJ: “We make a call to the partisan authorities of the province, so that they intervene and stop the persecutions in our district.”

Axel Kicillof, in the Legislature, accompanied by Verónica Magario and Federico OtermínMatías Adhemar

Despite his departure from the ruling bloc, Indarte left the door open for dialogue. “Understanding that they are political decisions that can change the previously exposed scenario, and in the event that they are reversed over time, I will be willing to dialogue as I always have been,” he said at the end of the note. with which he formalized his departure from the bench. The single-person bloc that Indarte will put together would not have defined an automatic alignment with the ruling party, as he learned THE NATION.

The discontent of the deputy of General Pueyrredón (who has a mandate until 2023) was accentuated in the preview of the Mar del Plata Justicialist intern, when Kicillof visited the city and took a photo with Raverta and Eduardo Coppolawho was finally the winner of the party presidency (the head of Anses joined the list as a provincial congressman).

Parallel to the departure of Indarte from the official bloc in the provincial Legislature, from the deputy’s sector in the Mar del Plata PJ, they discarded information circulated by sources trusted by Máximo Kirchner following the internal ones, in which it was ensured that the president of the Provincial PJ had communicated with winners and losers of the internal ones in the eleven districts in which there was competition between two lists or more.

“I do not know regarding the call to the other districts, but I do know that, as a representative of List 45 who competed on March 27, holding the high honor of going as a candidate for president of the PJ of General Pueyrredón, Máximo Kirchner has not made any calls, either to the person signing this or to any close partner, or to any other representative on our list,” Juan Manuel Rapacioli said in a statement.who presided over the Mar del Plata PJ and headed the list that the internal lost. “It can be fixed by calling and saying: ‘Maximo, you didn’t call me,'” relativized sources close to the former head of the ruling bloc in the Chamber of Deputies.



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