The Perils of Abruptly Abandoning the Schengen Agreement

The Prime Minister pointed out that the migration issue does not primarily concern Greece, but the whole of Europe. “The answer cannot be the unilateral abolition of Schengen, but the implementation of the Pact.”

Starting his interview, Mr. Mitsotakis made a brief overview of the government’s actions regarding immigration.

The prime minister said characteristically: “The government follows a strict but fair immigration policy, as it did in 2020 in Evros. It was the first step to convince Europe that the issue is important and Europe was convinced, so funds were channeled.”

“I want to emphasize that our policy has reduced the flows, the Aegean islands have been decongested, as is already seen, and now we have Turkish tourists. We sent a message that the traffickers will not command. Traffickers face consequences,” he added. As Mr. Mitsotakis underlined, “the migration issue does not primarily concern Greece, but Europe and especially Germany, but the answer cannot be the unilateral abolition of Schengen. The issue in the first phase does not concern us because it applies to land borders. The solution is the implementation of the Pact and cooperation with Turkey is necessary and Ankara has received the message that instrumentalization is not acceptable.”

Responding, moreover, to the accusations leveled against the Coast Guard, that it engages in systematic repatriation of immigrants, the prime minister replied: “The Coast Guard has saved many people and it is offensive to peddle conspiracy theories. On the other hand, the prevention of illegal inflows is the duty of the Coast Guard and it performs it. The Coast Guard is not a reception committee for illegal immigrants. I spoke of deterrence.”

For education, schools and mobile phones

Parents realize that children’s cell phone addiction cannot be tolerated

The recommendation to ban the use of cell phones in schools was there but no one had implemented it. We are going to implement it with the cooperation of parents and teachers

I appeal to take a step in this direction for the cell phone in the bag.

Lockers are the second line of defense in schools. I want to give more autonomy to parent-teacher associations if they want to implement it. Let’s realize at the outset that there is a big issue that is not limited to what happens in school. I fear that children and teenagers are too dependent on mobile platforms.

I want to play a role at European level in this matter because I see the effects on the physical and mental health of young people.

We are too strict about what kids do outside and too lax about what they do in the digital world where control is more difficult.

We have very few gaps and the discussion of departmental mergers is about very few departments. We did it because we have peculiarities as a country, e.g. insularity

It is a challenge for me to teach children about their role as citizens, environmental protection, sex education.

We need to make the lesson more interesting and this is where interactive factors help. 30,000 have entered and 36,000 will enter by the end of the year with money from the Recovery Fund.

The recruitment of teachers was done as quickly as possible. The housing program for teachers, doctors, police officers concerns us especially in areas where there is a housing problem.

For salaries in the State and the uniformed

We have proceeded to increase salaries in the State, we are proceeding to increase the night compensation.

It makes sense to look forward to further increases next year when things are better

It is another step, not enough, but indicative of the intentions of the increase in the night compensation.

Because the firefighters are making an extra effort to deal with fronts, this year we had much less burned areas than the number of fires, out of 4,000 fires one got away and we have to figure out what happened. This must not happen again.

For the military schools and the strengthening of the army

I have discussed the issue at length with the Secretary of Defense and we will soon have initiatives to make military schools more attractive. A Belh@arra costs 1 billion but needs 150 specially trained staff

For single-parent families

It is always a priority in benefit programs that we implement or the training programs from DYPA

To be precise

It’s the first issue. If you see the context of my speech at the TIF, you will realize that all the interventions have the character of supporting disposable income and dealing with profiteering.

There is no other way than increasing the salary or reducing the charges to increase the disposable income

We are now going to reduce what is left of the Self Employed Tax, we are going to reduce social security contributions.

Wage increases will continue at a faster pace than the decline in inflation

The aim is to structurally support disposable income in the face of increased prices

Let’s agree that the bill must be paid and avoid the bankruptcy of the past. Let’s also agree that the government makes social policy. I wish we had more to give and as the economy grows we will be able to do that. If the economy does not develop more than the average European term, no wealth will be produced. This government created over 500,000 jobs. The best social policy is the one that will get a citizen out of unemployment and into the labor market. I am a center-right liberal politician, neither a socialist nor a communist.

For unemployment benefit and “black” work

What should never be done is the one who can have a job, get it on benefits. This is impermissible. That is why we are preparing an intervention in the unemployment benefit.

We reduced the insurance contributions by one unit because that is what we can do, we would like more. Add the other five we’ve done, so six in total.

Digital job card. We imposed it with reactions and wanted it so that overtime can be declared and the employee can collect what he works for. And we saw with the implementation of the measure that the declared overtime increased.

We are making a big effort to merge the databases to tackle tax evasion. An important effort has been made that already has practical results. The first intervention we made and collected a political cost was the way freelancers were taxed.

For the digital tutorial

The way in which children enter university is a subject of great debate. The pan-Hellenic schools are an unchanging and reliable system, but the high school has turned into a preparation mechanism for entering higher education with additional support outside school.

We are having discussions to exempt the high school diploma from entering universities. But a way of nationwide examinations I believe will always be needed

The aim is for the digital tutoring to become equal to private tutoring

For the American election

There was a clear winner in the Trump-Harris debate. We will work with whomever the American citizens choose, I have worked with both Trump and Biden.

For Greek-Turkish

Greece must invest in ED as the government has been doing for the last 5 years. She must be able to defend her sovereignty. The stronger Greece is defensively, the more confident it is in the negotiations. We will always talk to Turkey, the core of Turkish revisionism has not changed. The country will not make any concessions on its armament program. We are not afraid of anyone. The fact that we have always had an older neighbor in a complex relationship forces us to spend more on equipment.

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#unilateral #abolition #Schengen #tolerated



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