The people of India also turned their poverty into a scam – World

When the mentality of only money flourishes in a society, then people start thinking about earning only from anything. India has extreme levels of poverty. Across India, the number of people living in extreme poverty is up to one billion. Except for a few big cities and towns, the rest of the country is under severe poverty. Now poverty-stricken tourism is also being promoted.

Foreign tourists are now seen in large numbers in the poorest areas of Mumbai, Delhi, Kolkata, Bangalore, Ahmedabad, Hyderabad, Chennai and other small and large cities. These tourists are taken there by tour guides. These “slum tourists” who visit the slums of Delhi and Mumbai take pictures of these areas, meet the poor here, give their children chocolates, biscuits and other goodies.

Many foreign tourists have shared the pictures after their “excursion” of the most backward areas of the big cities of India and have also written that there is no danger to any foreigner’s life in these areas, but look there. Care must be taken because people are very curious and pickpockets are also on the move.

Many sectors in India are now gaining exceptional status in terms of tourism. Foreigners are also showing up in large numbers at Mumbai’s Film City and other studios. Guides bring them and they seem to enjoy shooting.