The peak hip-hop dance “Tide Boys Electronic Music Festival” in the countryside is super cool, super dazzling and super burning

The peak hip-hop dance “Tide Boys Electronic Music Festival” in the countryside is super cool, super dazzling and super burning

2022-08-09 20:17:50Source: Xi’an News Network

Hip-hop free hiphop, hot and bloody jazz, youthful locking, dynamic poping… On the evening of August 8, at the Zhoujia Village Ecological Leisure Park in Gaoling District, the 6th anniversary celebration of the Vertex Hip-hop Training Center and the 2022 literary performance “Tide” “Children’s Electronic Music Festival” kicked off. In the countryside, nearly 1,000 students and parents of the Vertex Hip-hop Training Center gathered together. More than 100 hip-hop teenagers, full of energy and dance, staged a super cool, dazzling and cute hip-hop show, bringing everyone A wonderful street dance visual feast.

That night, the C4 planned idol group exploded the scene instantly. The teenagers dressed in costumes and transformed themselves into “hip-hop boys” with full of personality. They danced to the music and performed the dance moves they had learned in a complete and standard way. The parents in the audience also became enthusiastic fans in seconds, waving light sticks and cheering loudly, and the scene became a sea of ​​joy. The programs such as “Rap I’m the Strongest” brought by the enlightenment class are even more adorable. The little cute baby of regarding 5 years old makes a cool debut, and the performance with the rhythm has attracted applause from the parents in the audience, although it is the first This time on stage, but the little cute babies are full of aura, cute and cute. At the scene, more than a dozen performances came on stage one following another, each with its own characteristics, which can be described as splendid. Children of different ages fully demonstrated the charm of street dance in different forms of expression.

During the celebration, the “C4 Project Idol Group Press Conference” was also held. Parents took to the stage to become award guests and presented certificates to the winning students. The winning students bowed to their parents and hugged them. The scene was full of warmth.

“In this event, we moved the 6th anniversary celebration site into the field, combining fashion trends with leisure, providing a platform for children who love hip-hop to show themselves and chase their dreams, so that children can fully release their personality in nature, You can have different childhood memories.” The relevant person in charge of the Vertex Hip-hop Training Center said that as a dance training center featuring experiential teaching, Vertex Hip-hop is equipped with senior dance teachers and a complete dance teaching system, dedicated to cultivating All-round dancer, focusing on improving the quality of children, and striving to create “three-you” students with quality, attitude and professionalism. “In this performance, we saw that every child might confidently shine on the stage, saw their transformation and growth, and also saw the charm of street dance. The children used their strength to verify the efforts of all teachers. In the future , Everyone in the Vertex Hip-hop Training Center will continue to make breakthroughs and innovations, so that every child can give full play to their potential and become a better version of themselves.”

Text/Photo Niuling

<!–enpproperty 66240382022-08-09 20:17:50:418牛凌乡村田野间 顶点街舞“潮童电音节”超酷超炫超燃街舞,现场,家长,顶点,演出116296区县区县西安新闻网嘻哈自由的hiphop、潮酷热血的jazz、青春活力的locking、动感十足的poping……8月8日晚,在高陵区周家村生态休闲园,顶点街舞培训中心6周年庆典暨2022文艺表演 “潮童电音节”火热拉开帷幕。乡村田野间,顶点街舞培训中心学生家长近千人汇聚一堂,百余名街舞少年们,活力四射,舞力全开,上演了一场超酷超炫超萌的街舞show,给大家带来一场精彩的街舞视觉盛宴。



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