The payment dates for April 2024-03-19 22:46:00

A few days earlier they are expected to be paid due to the Catholic Easter holiday, which will lead to the closure of banks from March 25.

Therefore, pensions may be paid on Friday 22 March, while payments to employed pensioners may also be made earlier. The ministry’s decisions are expected next week.

Specifically with the provision of Law 4611/2019 (Government Gazette Issue A 73/17.05.2019) entitled – Settlement of debts to the Social Security Agencies, the Tax Administration and OTAs of the first degree, State pension arrangements and other insurance and pension provisions, Reinforcement of the protection of workers and other provisions – new dates of payment of the main pensions are determined

This provision is as follows:

Law 4611/2019 (Official Gazette Issue A 73/17.05.2019)

Article 34

Dates of payment of monthly main EFKA pensions

1. The date of payment of the main monthly EFKA pensions is defined as:

a) For employees, the penultimate working day of the previous month

b) For the self-employed, the fourth last working day of the previous month

2. In exceptional cases, the dates of paragraph 1 may be varied after a reasoned decision of the Board of Directors of EFKA and approval of the Minister of Labour, Social Security and Social Solidarity

3. By decision of the Minister of Labour, Social Security and Social Solidarity, every necessary detail for the implementation of this is regulated, as well as the manner of its application to entities that pay benefits that are not reduced to a monthly basis

4. From the entry into force of this, any other contrary provision is repealed

Article 132

Start of force

The provisions of this law shall apply from its publication in the Government Gazette, unless otherwise specified in its individual provisions

Pensioners from 1.1.2017 onwards (law 4387/2016)

The pensions (main and auxiliary) OPS – EFKA for all those who are retired (Employed and non-Employed) from 1.1.2017 onwards (law 4387/2016) are paid on the fourth last working day of the previous month

Payment of the main and auxiliary pensions on the same date

The Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs in collaboration with the e-EFKA Administration decided that the payment of the main and auxiliary pensions will be made on the same date on a permanent basis

Therefore, the supplementary pensions for the month of April 2024 will be paid simultaneously on the same dates as the main pensions

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Payment of pensions April 2024

See in detail the payment dates of all pensions:

The payment dates for pensioners of all Pension Funds April 2024 are as follows:

IKA pensions

The April 2024 IKA pension payment dates are:

On Thursday, March 28, 2024

The OAEE will pay the April 2024 pensions on Tuesday, March 26, 2024

The OGA will pay the April 2024 pensions on Tuesday 26 March 2024

The EBRD (non-Employee) will pay the April 2024 pensions on Tuesday 26 March 2024

NAT will pay the April 2024 pensions on Thursday 28 March 2024

State pensions

The April 2024 state pension payment date is:

The State will pay the April 2024 pensions on Thursday 28 March 2024

(The rest of the EFKA (Employee) funds will pay the April 2024 pensions like the State)

(The temporary pensions of Armed Forces, Security Forces and Fire Brigade of April 2024 will be paid as in the State)

Payment of the main and auxiliary pensions on the same date

The Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs in cooperation with the e-EFKA Administration decided that the payment of the main and auxiliary pensions will be made on the same date on a permanent basis

Therefore, the supplementary pensions for the month of April 2024 will be paid simultaneously on the same dates as the main pensions

Advance pension

Grant of advance pension to the officers of the Armed Forces, the Security Forces and the Fire Brigade, who leave the Service due to retirement. (No. 151274/2016/0092 – Official Gazette Issue B 1519/04.05.2017)

#payment #dates #April

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