The pay rates for the livret A and the popular savings account will increase in February

The French preferred savings rate will increase. “We can hope for an increase in the rate of the livret A at the beginning of February”, announced the Minister of the Economy, Bruno Le Maire, on RTL this Tuesday, adding that the popular savings account would also be affected by an “even more significant” increase.

The new rates of pay have not yet been set, but they will be effective on February 1. “The governor of the Banque de France will make his proposals next week. I will make my decision, ”continued the Minister.

Last November, the Cercle de l’épargne estimated with the Parisian that the rate of the livret A could be raised to around 0.7 or 0.8%.

A more interesting popular savings book

The interest rate of the livret A can be modified twice a year by the State. 54.9 million individuals have it in France. Since February 2020, its rate was at 0.5%, after having been 0.75% between 2016 and 2020.

Aimed at lower incomes, the popular savings account has an interest rate of 1%, double the savings account A. 40% of French households are eligible.

“I insist on this because it is an instrument that is too often neglected. The remuneration is better because the rate of remuneration of the popular savings account is indexed only to inflation. As there is inflation, there will be an even greater increase in the rate of remuneration of the popular savings account on February 1, ”defended Bruno Le Maire.

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