«The Patagonian Chef Festival, much more than a gastronomic event»

2023-05-05 09:48:00

Gutiérrez announced that Neuquén’s salary payment schedule extends from Friday to next Tuesday. (Photo Matías Subat).-

Minutes following the official inauguration of the Patagonian Chef Festival, the governor of the province of Neuquén Omar Gutiérrez once once more valued this mega gastronomic meeting that takes place here in Pehuenia/Moquehue when conversing with “Río Negro”.

«We are proud to be part of the first national edition of our beloved Patagonian Chef Festival, an event that for years has valued much more than Neuquén gastronomy and products: it strengthens our identity as a people and strengthens the preponderant role of tourism in Villa Pehuenia-Moquehue”, affirmed the first provincial leader.

«In its beginnings, combining gastronomy and typical products to reduce seasonality was an innovative idea, a dream that became an objective and today we can say that it has been widely achieved. The destination grew year following year as did the festival, designated a national holiday in 2022. The chefs and cooks were showing us the direction that gastronomy associated with tourism should take and the service providers accompanied, invested, joined to make this event a pleasant experience that multiplies by word of mouth and attracts more and more visitors”, he added.

He then stated: «I want to highlight the role assumed by the organizers of the event that distinguishes us and encourages us to go for more. My respect and affection to the godmother and godfather of the festival, Dolli Irigoyen and Christophe Krywonis, who set the course to follow from their extensive experience and warmth. They are a fundamental part of this story.”

He thinks that «the rescue of family recipes, the design of menus with seasonal products and respect for knowledge has been a constant in each edition. That initial dream took new forms, added spaces, innovated, valued kitchens and the complex simplicity of putting something on the fire. It brought us closer to the gastronomy of other provinces, of the Patagonian region and of sister countries”.

The Patagonian chef’s festival marked the way to implement several programs at the provincial level, reinforced when talking with “Río Negro”. Some of them are: Alimentos Neuquén, Seal of Distinction for Neuquén Gastronomy and the food cultural heritage cycle “Recipes, cultures and stories”.
“Its sustained growth will allow us to experience these days the best of Patagonian cuisine in one place: the mother Pehuenia, as our provincial anthem says,” he said.

«Tourism, the second economic activity in Neuquén, comes from a record summer. We have great expectations for what is to come since we were able to host more than twenty international events this year that position our destinations, capture the attention of thousands of tourists and contribute to cutting seasonality,” he reinforced.

Finally, Governor Omar Gutiérrez shared: “While we prepare for the next winter season, we renew the invitation to meet to enjoy delicious dishes in an ideal environment: autumn in the mountains.”

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