The party itself was the winner

The party itself was the winner

She was interested in the intra-party phone fight against the backdrop of his leadership PASOK. The four candidates and the two female candidates we believe proved to those who chose to watch the process on Tuesday night that the party has a rich, serious and politically ready potential to oppose the government.

Essentially, today, this is also the stake of his election PASOK. To create in the first phase a reliable official opposition for the country and then with its presence to convince the society that it is a different governmental pole whose absence is obvious from the political life of Greece.

In debates we are used to not having winners and losers in recent years. Besides, the predisposition of each viewer as to whom or whom they support also plays an important roleto reach his final conclusion.

We could say that the winner of the telefight was the whole party and we explain:

  • We watched a process that was well organized, without the participants flailing and escaping. In other words, the six candidates showed respect for what they had agreed upon and kept them.
  • In the overwhelming majority, the questions were clearly answered both by the journalists of ERT (Giorgos Kouvaras and Apostolos Maggiriadis), and by the questions asked by each candidate to his co-candidate.
  • Especially these questions of the candidates to the opponents managed to break the established dull routine of the debates and breathe new life into the process that had become boring.
  • It turned out that PASOK has at least 6 first-class executives who can stand politically at the top level. Obviously there are others within the party who are excellent politicians, but we are referring to the six who are vying for leadership. This data comes in an inevitable comparison with what we have been watching in SYRIZA in recent months.

So for these reasons, the real winner of yesterday’s debate was PASOK itself. We estimate that it is very likely that we will see the party’s poll percentages rise even more in the next surveys that will be conducted in the near future.

In politics it is important to try to see the “big picture”. In telefights, where everyone is cautious, there will hardly be clear winners and losers. Therefore, seeing the whole frame we can estimate with certainty that the PASOK it was earned by the process.


With spikes in Androulakis, the debate of the 6 PASOK presidential candidates – Their positions and the next day VIDEO

Akrita for PASOK debate: Who won and who lost, he asked for the same for SYRIZA

Nadia Giannakopoulou – Debate PASOK: The future of the party will be decided by these elections

#party #winner



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