The Paris Agreement – 50 years in retrospect

The signing ceremony of the Paris Agreement on ending the war and restoring peace in Vietnam on January 27, 1973, at the International Convention Center in Paris, France (Photo: VNA).

Celebrating 50 years, the great foreign policy lessons of the Paris Agreement still hold true today. The story of “independence and self-control”, “of course immutable, improvised” and “combining the strength of the nation and the power of the times” continue to be great lessons in the current world – when the world still facing complex, multi-dimensional challenges, such as great power competition, great power or conflict, and non-traditional security challenges.

At the same time, following 50 years, what is required of us is to apply the above lessons more effectively when the world has undergone profound changes and to be on par with our position and attitude. new from Vietnam. Just want to share some thoughts on the following points:

FirstlyThis is reflected in Vietnam’s consistent foreign policy, as affirmed by the 13th National Congress, which is: Independence and self-reliance, diversification, multilateralization, friendship, and a reliable partner of foreign countries. The country, as a responsible member of the international community, continues to integrate deeply and comprehensively.

Unlike during the cold war, today’s relations between countries with intertwined interests, including major powers, although competing, are still dependent and do not polarize into two separate and opposing systems. International relations are now intricately intertwined between competition, dependence, integration and cooperation. Therefore, independence, diversification and integration are three very important components of Vietnam’s foreign policy today.

Recent developments, such as great power competition, the crisis in Ukraine or the Covid-19 pandemic, further show the significance of this. We “do not choose a party”, but choose to play with other countries and partners, in accordance with the interests of Vietnam. Or as countries or Vietnam need to diversify, both geostrategic and geoeconomic, to avoid falling into dependence once a crisis hits and supply chains are broken.

Mondaywhich is the policy of “guaranteeing the highest national interests”, the XIII Congress also stated: This goes hand in hand with equality, cooperation for mutual benefits and on the basis of the principles of the United Nations Charter. national and international law.

TuesdayIt is the story of pioneering foreign policy and defending the Fatherland early, from afar, firmly on the inside and quiet on the outside. Externally, it is a pioneer in ensuring a favorable environment for Vietnam’s security and development. Accordingly, we need to continue to further strengthen the frameworks of long-term stable relations with our partners, create an interweaving of interests, and promote bilateral and multilateral cooperation for peace, stability and harmony. development in the region and the world.

Final, that is worthy of a new Vietnam, a Vietnam that innovates, develops, integrates and has international status. After 4 decades of renovation, our country has entered a new period of development, with aspirations of 2030 and 2045. Accordingly, external activities must make the most of the environment and external resources and take it from there. central goal. At the same time, our new position and posture requires us to actively and actively participate in and contribute to the common affairs of the world, first of all promoting the observance of international law and building trust. and develop common standards of conduct, in accordance with national interests and international law. Along with that is promoting cooperation to solve problems of common interest, challenges that no country can solve alone, such as response to epidemics, climate change, water sea ​​level rise … ensuring international peace and security, including the story of peace, security and cooperation in Asia Pacific and the East Sea.

After 50 years, coming out of war, today, the most important thing is to maintain a peaceful, stable and cooperative environment to serve the security and development of the country. Effectively applying the policies of the 13th National Congress and the lessons of the Paris Agreement will certainly help us both ensure the national interests, improve the country’s position and continue to contribute effectively to the country’s affairs. world in a new context.

The policy of independence, self-reliance, integration, diversification and multilateralization helps to create more resources, position and strategic space for the construction and defense of the Fatherland of Vietnam in the new situation.

We have a firm belief in Vietnam’s foreign policy, and the lessons of the Paris Agreement are still valid following 50 years.

Every time we come to this sacred historical occasion, we remember the tradition of the nation, remember the merits of those who died to defend independence to have a unified and renewed Vietnam. , developed and has the international position as today.

Author: Ambassador Pham Quang Vinh – senior diplomat, former Ambassador of Vietnam to the US, former Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs. Mr. Vinh used to have 7 years as Head of the ASEAN – Vietnam Senior Officials Meeting.



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